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Content warning for fatshaming/bullying/brief reference of suicide

Silence and concentration filled connie's ears and mind-and a sea of rippling, sparkling cobalt patiently waited for connie as the Indian girl steadily stood atop the high diving board.


The voice that sounded through the gym was an annoying sound belong to that of a screechy teenaged girl, so high-pitched and condensing as it could be in all its glory that it could almost shatter glass in one standing if she ever screamed.

Disregarding the shout, rolling her eyes at the now cruel laughter of the girls connie immediately jumped off the board, her body later driving itself right into the water.

Even as she leapt in perfectly-the laughter of half the diving team-predominately the girls from earlier could still be heard. For a while she unanimously submerged herself into the cerulean darkness. The water was usually room temperature-cold, enough to make her teeth ache as usual. The locks of her curly hair flowed gracefully behind her as she silently idled in her place-but she immediately knew and understood that she couldn't stick around forever.

Connie immediately rose from the water, flipping her hair away from her face as her bangs clung to her forehead from the water.

"Superb!" Sofia mocked, clapping her hands as savannah and a few other cronies of theirs joined her. "How absolutely superb, Maheswaran."

"Yeah, like how can we ever even compete?" savannah giggled.

Simmering, connie swam up to the surface as she silently evaded the venomous whispers and smug stares of her peers with boiling blood all the way. Wrapping a white towel around her, a trail of wet footsteps followed her as she immediately chose to make a b-line for the girls' lockers.

She had an intuition to stay calm and to just try to "stand tall" on her own, and not to ever allow anyone that stands in her way to ever think otherwise for her. She always trusted that instinct, having known and understood to herself not to let others like her tormentors respectively hurt her every random chance they always get.

Trying to calm herself down as much as she can, connie sighed as she later arrived at the lockers. Walking over to the mirror she unwrapped her towel, using it to wipe through her damp curls-ignoring the sight of sofia and savannah along with their posse over on the other side, the sisters simultaneously brushing their hair.

Sofia's icy blue eyes were later pointed down to her hairbrush as she acknowledged a patch of hair through the bristles.

" looks like I got pubic hair on my brush..." she gestured over to savannah who also regarded the sight with disgust. The sisters later turned their eyes over to connie who almost half-heartedly retrieved her uniform from her open locker.

"Oh wait..of course. I guess it's not d.w.'s today...what a surprise. It's just only maheswaran's." sofia smirked evilly.

"Eww....i think it's caught into my brush too sissy?" savannah piped up, holding her brush for proof-and by coincidence, strangely enough, a lock her her own hair was caught into her own brush as well.

The muscles in connie's neck considerably tightened at those comments, the Indian girl's fists clenched in a way where the palms of her hands threatened to draw blood if she'd pushed the limit any further. Her teeth had clenched from behind her closed mouth as she stared down at her locker.

An unexpected side of connie had immediately thought it's back to life as it swarmed her wild, uncharacteristically venomous thoughts-it initially badgered her with a major urge to just drop what she's doing immediately to gang up on sofia and pull her hair out, or to get steven to do that for her-since she'd know that he'll gladly go above and beyond the limits for his girl. But she knew very well that she absolutely couldn't. That level of violence even out of vengeance was absolutely beneath her and would definitely put a major stain on her good-girl reputation.

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