23: Seasons Change

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SEASONS CHANGE:She inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet smell of warm oats in the morning

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She inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet smell of warm oats in the morning. Solana was so thankful that her life was almost back to normal. She suffered from the occasional nightmare which played out differently then the abduction had actually gone. After being kidnapped and having to kill three people— it's expected to be a little psychologically damaged. Other than that, her life seemed to be going well.

Hotch had given her two weeks off after the case wrapped up. Overall, it's been a month since the attack. But, the wheels of the justice system turn slowly— the other members of that trafficking-crime-network have yet to face trial.

Surprisingly, instead of working through the pain, Solana decided that she needed a break. She missed hanging out with her best friend— she needed to catch up with Payton immediately. And, all though she absolutely adored her colleagues-turned-family, there was something so soothing and relieving about having a friend who wasn't a witness to your life's biggest (and most violent) obstacle.

Stirring the cinnamon-apple oatmeal, she unlocked her phone to text the two people she loved most:

Soz: Hey miss girl

Her eyes twinkled as those familiar reply-bubbles popped up on her phone screen.

Pay pay: Hey miss
Pay Pay: How have you been since... yk you were almost killed

Soz: surprisingly good. i have another couple of days before I can go back to work.
Soz: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I have sm to tell you.

Pay pay: I swear I haven't talked to you in months

Soz: i'm dating Spencer rn so we can talk about that later

Pay pay: I'm sorry WHAT

Soz: let's talk over lunch. hb 12:30 at Pierre's Cafe?

Pay pay: ofc
Pay pay: I missed out on sm

Soz: see u then

Then, she scrolled down to Spencer's messages. Th couple rarely texted, mostly because they were always together— whether it was during or outside of work. The pair occasionally texted to plan dates or communicate while in the field. However, they preferred phone calls.

Solana: Spence

Spence: hey whatsup

Solana: I was wondering if you wanted to come over later tonight
Solana: if you guys don't get a case

Spence: Of course. I'd love to

Solana: ugh talking about work makes me feel guilty for not being there
Solana: If you do get a case today i'm coming back to work

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