2: New Friends

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Nail biting, another one of Solana's bad habits.

She constantly bit her nails, especially when she was nervous.

Solana is confident in herself. She's smart, extremely athletic, and intimidating enough. However, meeting knew people can be stressful for her. Growing up her Aunty Miley and Uncle Dante would always try to introduce her to their friends, but she wasn't all that interested in making small talk. She hated small talk. Not because she was bad at it, but because it was pointless and purposeless. It stressed her out because it was directionless. However, Solana never had trouble making friends. Her witty and sometimes even bitter personality was refreshing for so many people, and her unique sense of humor made many laugh.

The elevator to the floor do the BAU felt both too slow and too fast. It was like time was speeding up but then slowing down. She took a few deep breaths and remembered she had enough experience, and that this would be nothing too new.

The elevator dinged as it came to a stop. The doors opening up to reveal her new workplace. She stepped out, her shoes clicking quietly on the floor and the guard held the glass door open for her. She paid him a small nod and smile as she walked through. It was only 8:30am but the place seemed to be bustling with people faxing things, working at their desks, or talking. Solana scanned her eyes over the room, attempting to find the only familiar face she knew.

"Hello there." A stern voice said. This caught Solana off guard, she must've been searching hard for JJ.

She turned to face the voice who surprised her. "Hello," he repeated, "I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner, if you're unaware, I am your boss. Welcome to the BAU"

She gave a friendly smile, "Of course! I'm—" Solana was about to finish when he interrupted her.

"Agent Brown, I know, I'm the one that requested your transfer." Hotch said.

"Well, sir. I'm very excited to be working with you all. I hope I can be of great assistance to the team." She responded.

"I have no doubt." He stated. "Most of the team is already present, I ensure that they'll introduce themselves to you individually. Feel free to settle into your desk over there. If you have any questions feel free to find me or Agent Jareau."

"Thank you, sir" She replied graciously.

"It's my pleasure, and please, call me Hotch unless the matter is so serious" he quipped.

"Will do, Hotch." Solana said, smiling back.

She walked towards her desk. It wasn't a personal office, but she wasn't expecting that. In fact, an open desk surrounded by her colleagues might allow them more time to bond. She pulled out her chair, placed her overnight back beneath the desk, and settled in, waiting for another member of the team to arrive. She continued to observe the place. There were dozens of other desks, some occupied by other workers already. There was a small kitchen, with a brewed pot of coffee, it smelled lovely. Eventually, this place would start to become a second home, and she could get used to that.

Solana sat up as she heard footsteps approaching the nearing desk. She swiveled her chair slightly so she could glance at whoever just arrived. The man was tall, muscular, wearing a fitted athletic shirt. He caught Solana's glance and flashed a charming smile. You stood up out for your chair to greet him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Agent Brown. I'm looking forward to working with you." She said nicely.

"The pleasures all mine. Agent Morgan, Derek Morgan." He said, in a smooth voice. "Say... would you like me to show you around this place?" He asked, grinning.

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