8: Dinner and Questions

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Daily life in the BAU was normal.

It had been approximately one week since Solana abruptly kicked Spencer out of her apartment, mid-hookup. Solana was skilled at acting nonchalant, but Spencer avoided awkward interactions by avoiding her entirely. Other than mandatory round table meetings, briefings on the jet, and in-field work, the two rarely conversed like they used to. Solana would greet him I'm the morning as she stepped through the doors, but he'd only reply with a curt nod. She wondered if Spencer would ever come knocking on her door, wanting to spend the day with her. Even if the sexual aspect of their friendship was over, in the end he was still her friend— and she enjoyed having him around. Yelling at Spencer was a rash move, she wasn't really thinking about the way she was reacting. And, Spencer is more of a sensitive, shy guy— so kicking him out of her apartment might have given him second thoughts about the stability of their friendship.

The day came to an end. The team had just come back from a case yesterday, so today was all desk work. Everyone was glad to be done and away from the stacks of files. Solana was one of the last to leave the office, leaving Spencer and Hotch in the bullpen.

Solana's shoes clicked on the concrete floor of the parking lot as she approached her vehicle. Checking under her car for potential traffickers, then fishing for her keys out of her purse to unlock the car door.

"Hey," a familiar voice echoed from behind her.

She whipped around the face the person who had addressed her. "Oh, hey." Solana said hesitantly. She hadn't expected Spencer to initiate conversation any time soon.

"I just-I just want to make sure that you know that I'm not mad at you." Spencer stuttered. "I know we haven't talked to each other since... you know, but I'm sorry."

Solana felt the slightest bit of regret and guilt build inside of her. She gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry for kicking you out. I can be pretty... aggressive at times, and I'm really sorry. You're fun to have around Spence."

"I'm sorry for saying that, it won't happen again." He mumbled.

"It's whatever, Spence." Solana replied, brushing off what he mentioned.

The two of them stared at each other for a few more moments, and once the awkward silence became too much to bear, Spencer spoke up.

"Want to, um, go to dinner with me?" asked Spencer.

Solana hesitated for a bit, biting her lower lip. "Sure, I'd like that."

"Really?" Spencer said, somewhat surprised that she accepted the offer. "I was feeling Italian, we could go to Asagio's."

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there." Solana said.

It's been a while since Solana went out to eat dinner. She seldom had time to eat anywhere, her life had become so busy within recent years that she usually ate by herself at home. A change in scenery and the addition of company could be really refreshing. She pulled into the restaurant's parking lot with in 15 minutes, choosing a stall near the entrance for convenience and safety. Spencer pulled in seconds after and the walked into the restaurant with one another.

The hostess sat them at a table near the window, overlooking a dock. It was around 7:00, and the sun was beginning to set. The purple sky reflected over the water, and the boats bobbed as small waves rippled through. Solana wasn't one for sentiment, but it was pretty fucking beautiful.

As they sat, waiting for the waiter to take their orders, they engaged in a lively conversation about pasta shapes.

"I'm telling you, rigatoni is ultimately the best pasta shape. Linguini is a close second. Actually, linguini might have to be first." Spencer rambled.

hush- spencer reid Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang