3: Club Affairs

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It's been 2 weeks, 3 days, and 14 hours since Solana officially joined the "BAU squad".

The team was headed back to Quantico on the jet after a solving successful case in Atlanta. A group of unsubs, part of a sexist cult were murdering women over the past 3 weeks. They sought after women who went against their "natural role" in society. They kidnapped and murdered prostitutes, strippers, and successful business women. Many of the sex workers killed unfortunately went unnoticed. No one filed a missing persons report because they were living on the streets. However, after the 4 unsubs murdered a CFO of a media company, there was a lot of public distress which brought attention to the cases. After 3 days in Atlanta, they caught the group of unsubs attempting to kidnap a group of prostitutes on a busy street they were patrolling.

Even after a successful trip, a thin layer of sadness settled above the entire team. Many women had their lives taken, they wished they could've caught the unsubs after their first murder. However, that's not how the job operates. And, luckily no more women will be harmed by them.

Spencer was playing chess against JJ. Surprisingly, Solana never learned to play, it's something she was never interested in.

"Solana, wanna sub in for me? Spencer's a certified genius and there's no way I can beat him." JJ asked.

"Um, actually..." Solana trailed off. "I've never played chess before." She stated, somewhat embarrassed.

"You've *never* played chess before?" Spencer exclaimed.

"Shocking, I know. I just, never felt compelled to play. I spent my time doing other things, learning to play chess was the last of my priories." She stated.

"Interesting. Chess is a very beneficial game to learn. When you play it teaches and builds strategy and technique. I should teach you one day." Spencer said. "Be warned, my skill level is that of the top 6% of chess players." Solana laughed.

"I'm thankful for the offer, Spencer." She said with a smirk. "But I don't know if investing time into learning what's essentially a board game is worth it. But, if I ever change my mind, I'll notify you."

"Alright, if you insist." Replied Spencer.

Jj scooted over in the seat, and signaled for her come sit next to her. She sat down in the seat, exhausted after the long days of work. Hotch was reading a newspaper, Morgan was listening to music with his headphones, Rossi was napping, and Prentiss was on her phone.

"Hey," Prentiss spoke. "Assuming we had the day off tomorrow, would anyone like to go out on the town?" She asked.

"I'm up for it. I just need a good nights rest and I'll be ready for tomorrow." Solana said. This would be the first time she's hung out with the team outside of work.

"If Will's home tomorrow and can watch Henry for the night I'm up for it as well!" JJ said, excitedly.

Prentiss tapped Morgan on the shoulder, signally for him to remove his headphones. "Morgan, the team is gonna go out tomorrow night. You're obviously coming tomorrow." Prentiss said.

"Of course, I would never miss the opportunity to dance with a group of lady's. I'll tell Garcia about our plans." He replied, smooth as always.

"I'd like to join. I actually had no plans for tomorrow evening." Spencer stated. Everyone chuckled.

"Shocking, really." Morgan joked. Earning another laugh from the team.

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