"But it's okay.. You were probably right. '' You added.

Hisoka stared deeply into your eyes, he knew there was a high possibility of you saying he was right, to simply just accept things face value with him. You were truly too easy to manipulate when your good will took over. He hurt you, you were clearly affected by his words, but you still stood before him saying he was in the right when he clearly wasn't. It made him realize how careful he had to be with his words seeing that you take it too heart greatly and believe in it.

".. One thing you need to know about me is to never take an insult I make when I'm angry. What I said to you in the bathroom as I was stitching up your wound, that's the truth. Friday wasn't." Hisoka had to shove down more of his God like superior complex to say all of that. But it was all worth it when Hisoka saw a small light glimmer in your eyes. A bit of warmth, that your eyes had been void of since Friday. He got through a bit.

'You too forgiving y/n..' He mentally thought, knowing that you forgave him right now. Not that he was lying and exploiting your weakness, he just kept discovering first hand your traits people would consider good in your world, but a weakness in his intriguing.

"Okay... Thank you for the chocolates, I'm not sharing." You cutely pouted before walking back to the bed. Bringing back normalcy between the two of you.

Hisoka felt an odd sense of relief and weights been lifted off his shoulders upon seeing your mood around him improve.

"Don't worry I knew you wouldn't ~"

Opening the box, you bit into one with the most satisfied back eye roll and a low moan, savoring the chocolate syrup it was filled with.

"So, what are you doing here and not on the trip?" You asked.

"Not really my scene. " Hisoka lied. He definitely was not going to tell you face up that he stayed for you.

"Not your scene? You saying no to 5 days of wilderness sex?" You jestered.

Hisoka's infamous smirk that was long overdue, finally appeared because of your teasing he fed off from.

"Oh don't tempt me to catch up with that bus~" He teased back sexually, but for some reason there actually wasn't any sexual intent behind it. It was almost as if he said that for the sake of it instead of truly meaning it.

"Do you need help?" Hisoka asked, looking at the prom decor you were busy with as he inched closer to your bed - indirectly getting permission to sit on your bed.

You looked at him with a surprised arched eyebrow because such a gesture was so uncharacteristic of him. '' U-uh yeah sure, but it's definitely not as exciting as sex I can assure you. It's tedious and menial. " You playfully warned him.

"Oh and I won't be good company right now because I need to prepare for my Olympia."

With an understanding smile, Hisoka got on the bed and analyzed the decor. "Then silent I shall be. "

Appreciating his understanding, you explained and demonstrated to him what to do before pressing play on the video again.

As the time ticked by, Hisoka watched you very closely. Today he planned to just observe and get an idea to what extent you are addicted to those pills and see the mind frame you currently in. He noticed that your hands were quivering, your breathing was fast and short. What was more disturbing was depsite how freezing this room was, even for him, Hisoka saw trickles of sweat travel down your body. Seeing a thin trail of sweat travel from your neck and slipping in between your breast valley, he instantly looked away and back down to working on the decor in case you caught him looking.

Putting your hair in a high and tight bun, you started to become fidgety on the bed. To the constant position shiftings on the bed, to the subtle rubs you will give your muscles as if it were aching became more frequent.

"Finishing at least 5 litres of ice water in 2 hours, unquenchable thirst?" Hisoka finally said something, thinking it was okay to talk now because your concentration seemed to fade.

"Something like that. I'm just feeling so hot and thirsty. I don't know what's wrong with the weather today."

'So you unaware of your surroundings .' Hisoka mentally noted down.

"You do know it's like 10 degrees today?" Hisoka brought to your attention.

He noticed how you looked at him a bit taken aback by that new found information, clearly depicting you didn't know.

"Oh yes right, I guess I'm just stressed. Stress can cause the body temperature to rise." You tried to lie and cover up.

'Not this high.' Is what he wanted to say.

"Let me take you out for a late breakfast to distress a bit then?" Hisoka offered.

"Uh huh, I don't really have an appetite, besides I don't know how I'm going to get dressed up because right now, I'm too hot to wear clothes. I mean, I'm sitting here in a bra and shorts in front of you. That should tell you how badly I don't want to wear clothes right now. And remember, you said you won't look. " You scrutinized him to see if there was a lapse of temptation.

" Mm~ I didn't promise though. "

" Hisoka! Please, otherwise I'll lock you out this room." You tiredly warned.

" I know I know, I haven't looked yet."He partially lied. Well to be fair he didn't purposely look, he was merely just following the sweat trail.

"I have an idea on how to cool you down. But it's an hour or two drive from here." Hisoka suggested.

Looking at him curiously, you concluded your thoughts with a disapproval shake. "I don't want to get dressed or be around people Hisoka.."

"I know, you don't need to get dressed nor will there be people there. It's just another place I own but don't ever use." Hisoka vaguely informed you.

"Hmm.. But I need to study and get this done." You continued to give excuses because you were reluctant.

Closing your laptop smoothly, Hisoka smiled at you. "You can do all that there."

Sighing with a playful eye roll, you knew that it was pointless to try and worm your way out of this.

"Fine then. Let me pack up." You finally agreed.

With a satisfied demeanor, Hisoka got off the bed to give you time to pack up. After a few minutes he saw you leave the room and ended straight for the bathroom.

Being stealthly, Hisoka crept into your room and opened your bag compartments. Just like he suspected you had packed both those pills. Not wanting to take too much time, Hisoka took those pills and slid them in your drawers, giving the impression you just misplaced them once you realized it was too late.

Leaving the room without a trace, Hisoka made his way to his car and waited for you.

Finally getting in, the first thing you did was turn up Hisoka's AC and directed it all to face you.

"You don't mind I put it on right?" You only just remembered to ask for his permission, after all Hisoka was very possessive of his car.

"Not at all, what's up with the shades?" He asked as he began to drive away.

"The sun, the light in general, it's hurting my eyes." You truthfully answered.

'Hyper light sensitivity too huh? You already heavily addicted..' Hisoka mentally added to his list.

"Take them off, I'll dim the windows on your side."

"A car can do that?" You asked, tone highly taken aback and curious.

"My car can. " He proudly corrected you.

'Ooo-ing' at him sarcastically, you took your shades off and watched your passenger windows darkened greatly.

"Thanks Hisoka." Feeling alot more comfortable, you sunk deep into his leather seats.

Each Other's End Game. (Hisoka X Reader🔞)|Modern|Anime CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now