Chapter 23

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"Pweedy what's all these things!" Killua pointed to all the feminine hygiene products and essentials.

Putting a pack of pads in the trolley, you innocently blushed and squeezed Killua's cheeks. '' U-uh I'll tell you later! " You brushed the explanation, leaving a smirking Hisoka next to you.
Hisoka was oddly quiet for the first 10 minutes after what happened, but it seemed he snapped out his thoughts and returned back to normal - or so you thought.

Just as you were about to move on, you heard two girls scream your name. Looking straight ahead you saw it was two blonde girls that work at the club dressed in the shortest of dresses and highest of heels.

"Oh guys hi!" You warmly greeted back, embracing them in a hug.

"Lord girl, I knew you always had a secret child! Who's this adorable little man!" They screeched, causing Killua to frown a bit.

"Oh no, no, this isn't mine, I'm just babysitting for a friend of mine." You quickly clarified.

Averting their gaze from the child, to Hisoka, their body language instantly changed. Especially their eyes, sex eyes to be specific.

"Holy shit are you two together?" The other girl pointed at you and Hisoka

"O-oh! No we aren't." You oddly seemed to struggle to say that.

"Hear that KK? He's still on the market." As if telepathic twins, both of them walked closer to Hisoka and started trialing their fingers dangerously low on his body.

"You ever smashed him Y/n?" Getting a bit uncomfortable for Killua, you backed away and nervously smiled.

"No I haven't." You replied as you discreetly placed your hands over Killua's ears.

"Oh y/n you don't what you missing. This guy really knows how to fuck a girl. Best sex of my life with him."

"Oh and me too Sia." The other agreed.

"Oh yes he also fucked you, what you say we both give this bad boy a good time KK?"

"Mmm I like that idea, what you say big boy, you up to handling both of us? A threesome, right now?" The girl named Sia started to rub his manhood and place kisses alongside his jawline. While the other went and took a stack of condoms off the shelf and slipped it in Hisoka's pants.

Watching Hisoka, you saw his eyes grow dark with lust, feeling out of place and this odd pang of pain stab your heart, your lips tugged slightly downwards.
Not really wanting to watch how this plays out, you turned to Killua and put on a warm brave smile.

"Come let's go to the toy section since we got everything we need?" You whispered shakily.

Right before you turned from the aisle, you glanced to the side and saw Hisoka was aggressively kissing one of the girls already. Ravishing their lips a bit surprisingly too roughly.

Averting your gaze away from that scene, that odd stabbing through the heart grew stronger.

" Agh, I guess it's just because of that little incident. No serious meaning behind it.." You muttered to yourself.

"Mm what you said Pweedy?" Killua's icy blue looked at you.

"O-oh nothing."

'Expectations lead to disappointments.'

"You seem sad." Killua's cutely concerned voice mused you out of your thoughts once again.

"Oh no I'm not my love. Don't worry about me." You kindly assured him.

'Y/n listen to your mother.. Don't involve yourself with guys. It'll only end in heartbreak. Just study, study hard. Better yourself and your life. Become independent make the world yours instead of the world and the people in it making you theirs to control and abuse. '

Each Other's End Game. (Hisoka X Reader🔞)|Modern|Anime CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now