Part 13

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Morgana and Gwen bustled around the living room turned dining room. Uther was in a car on the way here. Giaus had gone home, and it was only Morgana, Gwen, Arthur, and Merlin. Merlin fidgeted nervously and kept messing with his shirt around his neck. He wasn't use to button up, and didn't like how the tie seemed to make breathing even harder. Arthur was doing no better. He kept pacing. Finally, as Morgana placed a vase of flowers on the table, and Gwen lit a third candle, everything was perfect.

"Ok." Morgana spoke. "Everything is fine. Stop messing around you two! Stop looking nervous or else he'll know something is off. Let's just sit down and wait till he gets here." They did so and the silence that followed was deaffing.

A few minuets later, the sound of foots echoing down the hallway spooked them. The shot up and got into position. Arthur opened the door as Uther's footsteps reached the door. "Hello father!." Arthur's face had a small smile and his voice sounded fake.

"Arthur." Uther said. He shook hands with his son before moving to Morgana. "Morgana!" He said. He hugged her.

"Hello Mr. Pendragon." Gwen said, her voice quiet, and polite. Merlin even thought she bowed a bit.

"Hello Mr. Pendragon." Merlin also said, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

Uther stopped a bit in front of Merlin. "You're working with Giaus right?"

"Yes sir."

Uther nodded and moved to the table. "Well, what's for dinner?"

Morgana immediatly moved to the table and took the lid off a platter, revealing two roasted chickens. "Gwena and I cooked roasted chickens with mild spices. We also have roated potatoes with parsley. And finally long green beans with bacon. And for dessert we have creme brulee with a chocolate moose."

"it sounds wonderful. You never disappoint. well let's dig in." Uther helped himself to large portions of everything. He talked most of time, rarely asking questions or waiting for the others inout. Finally at the end of the meal, Morgana had begun taking the dished to the kitchen when Arthur spoke up.

"Father. i have something i need to tell you."

"and what's that." Uther's voice sounded distracted and his face slightly blank.

"i know you probably won't like it, but i ask not for acceptence, but at the very least, tolerance. i'm dating someone. And it's Merlin." As Arthur finished his sentence, all noise stopped. The sounds of clinking dishes and quiet whispers from Morgana and Gwen stopped. Uther's heavy breathing stilled. Even the noise from outside seemed to quiet. It was like the entire had stopped and was holding it's breath, waiting for an answer.

"you what?" Uther's voice dripped with malice as his head turned slowly to face Merlin and Arthur. His eyes were sharp as flint.

Arthur swallowed hard and Merlin could see him shaking, but kept his head held high. "I'm dating Merlin."

Uther slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "Get out." He locked eyes with Merlin.

"S-sir-" Merlin began but was cut off as Uther shoved dishes off the table.


Morgana and Gwen came rushing from the kitchen. "Dad-" Morgana tried to speak.

"NO. SHUT UP. MORGANA. GO TO YOUR ROOM. GWEN AND MERLIN. GET OUT!" Uther's voice spat hatred. He slapped Arthur across the face. Morgana screamed. Merlin went to help Arthur, only to be shoved back by Uther. Merlin stumbled back and hit his head on a coffee table.

Arthur rushed to Merlin and pulled him up. "Run." he whispered in Merlin's ear. Arthur got pulled away by Uther, and Gwen quickly grabbed Merlin's arm and pulled him from the chaotic room.

As they got into the elevator, Merlin sat on the floor and Gwen began to cry. "oh god, oh my god. we shouldn't have left. should i call the police. oh god, i just dont know. i'll call Lancelot. He can come get us. oh god, oh god.."

Merlin didn't remember much. He was in shock. He remembered Gwen digging a napkin out of her purse for the back of his head. He remembered Lancelot pulling up and taking him home. He remembered walking up to his room.

And he remembered Arthur's terrified face as Merlin was drug from the room.

A Stupid Merthur StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora