Part 10

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Merlin went downstairs, and back to Giaus very quickly. He couldn't believe Arthur wasn't straight. ANd there was the possibility Arthur liked him. He arrived at Giaus's room and quietly entered. He was extremely shocked to find Mrs. Hudson sitting up and talking to Giaus. "ah Merlin. There you are." Giaus said as Merlin entered. "As you can see. Mrs. Hudson is doing quite well. However," he turned to her at this point. "i want you to stay here until it's time to go home."

"oh no dear, im fine." Mrs. Hudson replied. "i need to be getting home. The boys will be worried about me."

"you can home tonight. Now Merlin, can you get us all some breakfest. But go down to the main lobby, and get us something from the breakroom. Uther will not take kindly to us taking his food."

Merlin did as he was told. He came back with the food, Giaus then gave him to usual rounds of medicines he had to deliever. When he came back from that, Arthur was in the living room.

They both froze as Merlin entered, and locked eyes with eachother. Arthur's face remained still, but started blushing a furious red. Merlin's eyes got huge, and he felt a blush creeping up his neck, all the way to the tips of his ears. "h-hi Arthur." Merlin spoke in a voice shaking almost as much as his knees.

Arthur nodded his head at Merlin and answered in a stiff voice. "Merlin." When Arthur said nothing else, Merlin just pursed his lips and continued walking. Before he turned down the hallway to Giaus's room, Arthur called out.

"Wait, Merlin." Merlin turned and faced Arthur.


"Um... i was wondering..." Arthur looked down at his hands then back up. "Are you free, tomorrow night?"

Merlin smiled and tried to remain calm. "Yes."

"really? i mean, ya ok. ummm...." Arthur swallowed hard. "would you like to hang out, with me? and not like with the other guys, just me. Unless you want the others to come too, cause that ok."

"no it would be fine to hang out with just you tomorrow." Merlin was smiling a big smile now.

"o-ok cool. so um, i can like, pick you up at like, 7 or whatever..." Arhur rubbed the back of his head, blushing even harder.



They stood awkardly looking at each other before turning around and going their serparate ways. Both smiling.

A Stupid Merthur StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin