Part 7

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Arthur was in his room pacing as kept waiting for Merlin to text back. He phone was on his bed and he kept looking at it as he paced back and forth, biting his thumbnail. Maybe i shouldn't have texted him so many times. Arthur groaned in frustration and flopped down onto a chair.

As he stared up at the ceilling his phone went off. His head snapped up and he climbed out of the chair. He tripped and stumbled, half crawling, half running to his bed. He quickly check the massage and his mouth dropped in despair.

So merlin was just playing it off? Arthur felt tears welling up. i thought he liked me... he probably hates me. He's probably straight, and he probably has a girlfriend in his old town, waiting for him to come home and sweep her off her feet. Arthur made an angry noise, and punched his bed.

"god he's straight and played off me kissing him as drunk foolishness." Arthur sighed. " Now just when im starting to get hopeful, i fuck it up by being a complete bumbling, drunk idiot!" Arthur groaned and crawled into bed.

* * *

Merlin woke up on Monday with a pit of depair instead of a stomach. He skipped breakfest and dragged his feet as he followed Giaus to work. Embarressment loomed as they rode the elevator up. Merlin breathed out a sigh when the door opened and Arthur wasn't in the living room or kitchen. Morgana however, was.

"good morning Giaus. Morning Merlin." she said without look for who it is. She was busy setting up the living room. She had set out blankets, food, and drinks. Merlin took the scene in. "having some one over?"

"ya." Morgana answer standing up. "My friend Gwen, is coming over in little bit. Tonight is the season finale of Doctor Who so we're gonna watch it together. Arthur and Gwen use to date but broke up, so he's probably gonna be hiding all day."

"oh. ok, well i gotta go work. see ya." Merlin turned away. goddammit. i fucking knew he wasn't gay.

The day wore on. Once when Merlin went to go deliver medicine, he met Gwen and realized she was Guinevere from before. All through the day he didn't see Arthur or any of the guys. It wasn't until he was leaving he saw Arthur.

Merlin was standing in the living room talking to Morgana and Gwen, discussing which Doctor was the best, when Arthur came down. Merlin wasn't facing the stairs but turned as both girl glanced at something behind him. He turned and his face dropped. Arthur locked eyes with Merlin. Silence fell over the small group.

Arthur gulped and opened and closed his mouth a few times. He looked down at his hands, then turned and went into the kitchen, although they could still see him, as there was only a counter separating the kitchen from the living room.

As merlin turned back to Morgana and Gwen, morgana spoke but quieter than before. "Um, ok.. What was that about?"

"what do you mean?" Merlin said, trying to act casual.

"you know." gwen said. "How Arthur reacted. even when i'm around he at least says hello and goodbye."

"ya. and all last week you guys were talking." Morgana added.

Merlin just shrugged, "ya. well.... whatever." Luckily for Merlin, Giaus came out at this time. Merlin bid farewell to the girls, and followed Giaus out. Arthur went upstairs without a word.

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