Part 6

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  • Dedicated to To all the ships that never sailed

Merlin tried to fall asleep that night. Tossing and turning in his sheets. He could hear faint sounds of a never sleeping city, and the constant snoring of Giaus. Merlin rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. God why couldn't i just be drunk to forget all this. Somewhere in his self wallowing, Merlin was able to fall into an uncomfortable sleep.

The next morning, Merlin woke up late with a headache, even though he didn't drink much. He stumbled down to the kitchen grumbling about everything. "good morning Merlin." Giaus said as merlin plopped himself down at the kitchen table. GIaus smiled and put a yellowish drink in front of Merlin. "it will help with the hangover."

Merlin swallowed it and grimaced. "how'd you know i was hungover?"

Giaus laughed. "a young boy going into the city with his friends, when all are of drinking age? its not hard to figure out. Plus you still smell like a bar. go take a shower, and when you come out, breakfest will be ready."

Merlin nodded and slowly walked to the bathroom. He quickly got into the shower, having it slightly cold to wake him up. As he watched the bubbles of soap wash down the drain, he remembered last night. He remember girls flirting at him. He remember seeing Gwaine briefly grabbed Percy's butt. He remembered... the limo.

Merlin gulped as it all came clear. He was last in the car with Arthur. As they got here, Arthur said he liked Merlin. Then Arthur kissed him. And Merlin kissed back. Merlin shoved his face under the shower head and rubbed.

He was just drunk. We haven't even known each other for that long. Merlin thought as he turned the water off and got out. He dried himself off, got dressed into a baggy tshirt and sweat pants. he came down stairs for the second time. This time however, he was greeted by eggs and bacon. He scarfed down the food, practically inhaling it. When he was finished he felt full, but a peak at his stomach showed it was as skinny as ever. Merlin went back to his room to read, praying for a text from Arthur, yet hoping he wouldn't.

Merlin prayers and fears were answer later that night. He was eating supper with Giaus when his phone beeped. He reached for it, but Giaus smacked his hand. "come on now. you speand the entire day up in your room, and when you finally come down, you want to get on you phone?'

"sorry Giaus." Merlin looked at his phone and could see it was from Arthur. He sighed and went back to eating and talking with Giaus. His phone beeped three more times before Giaus finally said, "oh all right. We're done eating, you can leave."

Merlin smiled. "Thanks Giaus." Merlin bolted up the stairs and flopped on his bed.

Merlin we need to talk.

Merlin just please answer me.

Merlin come one, answer me, im sorry

im sorry Merlin. im sorry i kissed you. i get like that when im drunk.

Merlin's heart was crushed. So he wasn't gay. He just acts that way when he's drunk. Merlin felt a lump forming in his throat and hot tears welling up in his eyes. He shakily texted back.

hey its fine man. i was little drunk too. and besides, my friend once kept trying to make out with a lemon when he got drunk.

Merlin hit send and layed on his bed, wishing for some relief.


merry christmas! have some new Merlin feels while you suffer from old Merlin feels.
sorry. i love you guys! xoxo

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