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I met this girl named Ana
She was so perfect, pretty and thin

She was the epitome of perfection
With no flaws for the eye to see in

She was my guardian angel
There to save me from myself

No one else could see her
No one else could hear

For she was mine
and mine alone
There to make me thin.

She stood next to me at the mirror
And hugged me while I cried.

She whispered her secrets in my ear
That can make me pretty and thin
Not to eat, to starve myself
Until I was just like Ana too

I listened to my friend
And did not eat a thing

Now I love my friend called Ana
For she is making me pretty and thin

I can already see the difference
A slight weight loss here and there

She said it would work
And work it did
And I'm glad I let her in

For the beautiful girl called Ana
Is going to make me pretty and thin.

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