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They call her fat and ugly, she is not.
She is beautiful and thin yet no one sees it.
Her mind is confused.
What she sees in the mirror and what people say are different
So what should she believe.
Does she believe what she sees or what others see?

They keep saying things, unaware of the internal struggle within.
After a while she gives in, her mind consumed eternally by poison.
She believes the lie.

She stops eating and desperately wishes to be normal.
She screams at them to stop, as she keeps being taunted from within.
No one notices a thing.

They see what they want to see, they do what they want to do
There is no doubt in her mind that what they're saying is a lie, now
She runs, never stops, never eats, never sleeps.
Unaware of her body being too withered and thin.

Now when she looks in the mirror she does not see her true self,
but what everyone else sees instead.

And as she is finally able to stop, to tired and weak to go on.
They look at her with clear eyes freed of their hatred and jealousy at last,
They finally see her true beauty.

And as they stand there looking over her fragile body, they began to cry
As they realize the true ugliness is within themselves,
For forcing the child int such a state.

The girl leaves, into a new life, free of the burden they put on her.
And they are left being eaten alive from the guilt and evilness within.

The Voices In My Headحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن