My Demon

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Before my Demon overtook
My mind and Heart and Soul

I wanted to be pretty
and cherished for who I was

All I wanted was some friends
Someone to see beyond my mask

I wanted my family
to love me
and not try to rid me
of my flaws

Before my Demon overtook
I wanted to be secure.

But now my Demon's overtook
My mind and Heart and Soul

Now I crave for a blade
To slice through my fat skin

I love to see my blood
Run down my legs and arms

I want to see
pale white scars
criss crossing across my skin

I want to stop eating
To be so very thin

No ones aloud to see my mask
My Demon says that's bad

My family must not know
My friends don't even care

He say he's the only one
Who always has been there

He says he helps
And rids me
of my flaws and all their lies

My Demon is right
He's the only one who cares
The only one who's always there

So now I thank my demon
For he has rid me of their lies

He shows me I don't need
People who love or care tonight

For he is always there for me
And he is all I need.

The Voices In My HeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora