The End

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The End

Lightning flashed across the sky
Thunder crackled overhead
Dark clouds gathered in the east
and shadows encompassed the light.

Shivers rushed up my spine
and sweat ran down my neck
People began to screams and shout
and run wild on the street.

Fights broke out and curses were heard
People demanding answers
Mothers held their children
And fathers stood on guard.

Buildings crumbled and walls broke down
Grass turned brown
And people frowned

Oceans rose and drowned the land
Fires broke out
And mountains burned.

Starts fell from the heaven
and hell raised its head
Ghosts began to fill the land
Forming skeletons instead

It has come
The end of all we know
For the end of the world has begun.

The Voices In My Headजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें