No Longer Alone

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I always am alone
I've never really had anyone
I can trust with all my secrets
Without being thrown away
Like the rubbish that I am

It's always been this way
I've never known a time before
I was all alone in the world

My parents pretend they care
But they say many words that hurt me

My brother doesn't even bother
And tells me to just go die

The people all around me
Never notice that I'm there

Unless they are my bullies
There to add to all my pain

My so called friends
Abandon me for being the freak I am

And they are usually the first
To make me suffer once again

Everyone who says they care
Has just lied to my face

Until there came a time
When I shut my heart and mind

There words still hurt me
As they cussed and swore at me

But I never had to suffer
from rejection or abandonment
For I never let anyone in
Until I met a stubborn girl

She made me feel alive
And bought back emotions I forgot

She made me laugh
She made me cry
As I smiled a real smile
She broke my emotionless mask
If only just for her

My mask was still on
For the rest of the world to see
But finally I had found someone
Who was just like me.

The Voices In My HeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz