A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Hello there!

I suppose that if you actually made it this far, you are part of the Echelon Family. If not, then I don't have a clue as to why you have been waisting your time and how you even made it to the end!?
Never mind... I'm glad that You're here, either and any way.

Just to get it all out there, Yvette's character was based off of myself and my actual experiences, altered in some ways, for the purpose of dramatisation and to reach the desired effects on personal growth and character development. That same thing goes for the rest of the characters as well.

Also, please do not get upset if I got something wrong about the facts, or the Island. I have never actually been there, since I'm too young. But it would be my dream to attend when I come of age. I have never met any of the members of the Band, either. I do not know them. Especially not personally. I could only guess and make up their reactions to these supposed situations.

Nevertheless, I hope you had a good time accompanying Yvette, on her quest to find peace, but who instead, completely unintentionally, found Heaven on Earth.

Hope to see you on Mars Island, someday!
Much love, Yours sincerely,

J. Veszeli

Personal Note To Jared And Shannon:

Hi, Jared! Hi, Shannon!

If you are reading this, then I want to thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed the story.
I would also like to thank you both for creating this Heaven on Earth that is Mars.
Please, do keep up with the tradition of Mars Island, because it is fantastic, or so I've heard. But I'd love to see it for myself.

Hopefully, I'll see you there in 2023!


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