- That is a really good drawing. I'm flattered - he said, smiling.

- Thanks... - I mumbled, not really bothering to act like I was enthusiastic.

- Hey! Why so blue? - he asked, putting his arm around my shoulder, so I could rest my head on his.

- I just hate that it's Monday. I don't want to go home, and more importantly; I don't want to lose You and Shannon. We just made friends and now it's already time to bid farewell? Possibly forever?! Jared, I don't want this to be the End Of All our Days spent together. I don't want it to become a memory to think back upon on unhappy days, telling my future kids about some story From Yesterday. I — - He interrupted me.

- First of all, I must agree with you: Mondays do suck. Secondly, you won't have to do any of that. Yvette, I think you are actually more like a daughter to me, than a friend. The daughter I never had. I will not let you slip through my fingers, and you know that - at this point he looked meaningfully at my right wrist, - unless that is what you wish. -

My brain wasn't catching up on what he'd just said. What he'd just offered. Was he...? Did he really just...? I locked eyes with him.

- What are you implying? - I inquired, feeling my pulse rise to unhealthy levels. If he was about to say what I thought he was, then I would most probably faint.

- All I'm saying is that, even if you have studies or some other imminent projects, I'd love for you to visit sometimes, or Shannon and I could visit too, if that was more convenient. And in the absolute worst case scenario; from this moment on, I expect you to call at least once a week, just so I can check on you, catch up and make sure that you don't do anything stupid... -

I laughed. I could barely believe it. Maybe there was a God up there somewhere, despite of it all.

- Who's talking? - I countered, as Jared used my phone to take a selfie of us, making a silly face, to match the New Contact bubble, where he had just entered his phone number and the following name: Bart Cubbins. He put the phone back into my bag, where he had found it, with a smug expression creeping across his features.

- And what would be the best case scenario? - I urged, bothered by the fact that he hadn't gotten to that point, thus far.

First, he was quiet, seemingly thinking his next sentence through with much care. Choosing his words wisely.

- If you didn't have anything in particular to go back to, then I'd hoped that you'd agree to staying, so that I could really show you the mysterious heart of Mars. -

- Isn't that what you've been doing yesterday? - I pondered out loud.

- That was just a sneak peak. A preview. We barely scratched the surface. So, what do you say? Should we set out to find Mars on Earth? -

He had stood up, offering his hand to me and in that moment, on his face I could see the map of the whole, wide world. He was a stranger to none and a vision to some. From Yesterday, it was coming. Since Yesterday, I could feel. From Yesterday it was calling. We were the ones to read the messages.

- Oh, what the Heck?! - I exclaimed, thinking; to Hell with the consequences, taking his hand. He looked at our fingers, intertwined once again, then back into my eyes, and I saw how the corner of his lips snaked upwards, until the entirety of a smile unraveled, for the first time.

In that moment, that exact fragment of time, the sun breached the horizon, pouring its golden light everywhere...


Dramatis Personae:

Yvette J. Vilmarsson
Jared Joseph Leto
Shannon Leto
Yvette's roommates
Yvette's Father
Security Guards
Everybody Else Who Attended Mars Island
with a cameo appearance of
Tom Hiddleston


Night Of The Hunter
Great Wide Open
Walk On Water
Rescue me
Kings And Queens
Closer To The Edge
Hurricane (acoustic)
Bright Lights
From Yesterday

All songs performed by 30 Seconds To Mars

Pictures including:

Jared Joseph Leto
Shannon Leto

Sources used to create the story and add quotes and lyrics:

30 Seconds To Mars Newsletter
Newspaper Articles
Genius Lyrics
The Echelon
Jared Leto
Shannon Leto
Tom Hiddleston

Other sources of information (and the drawing):

That would be me:
Julianna Veszeli

Author, publisher, designer and creator:

Julianna Veszeli

From Yesterday


(S) - Uh, hey Jared! Did she say yes? -

(J) - SHANNON!!! -

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