Chapter 17: The man

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Chapter 17: The man

Since Taehyung refused to go home with Jungkook, he's now walking alone in the dark alley. It was so cold, and he could see the air through his mouth when he breathes. He knew he should have contacted Jin, but his phone died off.

While walking, he bumped into the person in front of him. The man was taller than him.

“I'm sorry, Sir.” Taehyung apologized without bothering to look at the man since his mind was clouded by Jungkook.

He waited for the man to speak or even move aside, but it didn't happen. When he looked up, he could barely see the face because of the hat of the man that he was wearing, and the alley was also dark even though some light bulbs were on.

“Could you please move aside, Sir? Or do you have any problems?” Taehyung asked the man.

“It seemed that you already forgot me, that's so weird.” The man chuckled, removing his hair.

He could now clearly see the man's face, yet, Taehyung wasn't sure if he saw this man's face before or not. He felt like he did, but it's unclear to him. And why does it seem this man knows him? Did they meet before?

“I'm sorry, Sir, but I think you mistook me for someone else. I don't know you.” Taehyung replied to the man.

“I know I didn't mistake you for someone else, that face of yours is not something that should be forgotten. Am I right, Kim Taehyung, my beautiful son?” The man said with a creepy smile on his face.

Now, Taehyung clearly remembered him, that smile that made Taehyung shiver. This man standing right in front of him was his so-called father. The one that caused everything why Taehyung was experiencing “Little” where he wanted to escape from that miserable life and the trauma that wasn't easy to forget was because of this man.

Why did he show up right now?

What does he need?

They put him behind bars, so how did this man find them?

“Suh-sorry, Sir, I-I really don't know you. I have to go now.” Taehyung tried to walk passed the man, but his so-called father blocked him and pushed him onto the brick wall on the side by grabbing his jaw.

Taehyung was taken aback by the man's action.

“Do you really think I would believe that? How could you forget someone like me? I'm your father, is that even possible for you to forget me? After what I did for you.” The man chuckled, tightening his grip on Taehyung's jaw.

“L-let me go!” Taehyung attempted to push him away.

He was frightened right now, he felt like he would die just being with him.

“Even if you forget about me, I'm sure your Jin Hyung won't forget me, right? I gave him pleasure and pain he wanted to experience.” The man grinned, squeezing Taehyung's jaw, causing the boy to hiss in pain.

“Don't… don't ever try to say his name from your mouth ever again!” Taehyung punched him in the cheeks.

His so-called father stumbled a bit but remained in his position. When Taehyung tried to run away, he was held by his wrist and pushed onto the wall.

“We're not done talking yet.” The man said and jabbed his stomach.

That caused Taehyung to weaken his defense.

“Why are you going to leave me? Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. Trust me, we're just going to talk.” The man chuckled, grabbing Taehyung's hair.

“What do you need, huh?! Why did you even show up?” Taehyung grumbled, trying to control his tears.

The fear might not be obvious on his face, but his body shows his fear. He was shaking due to the man in front of him.

“Acting strong now? Back then, you used to be my puppy, but now you're barking like a dog. I just wanted to see what my sons doing. Can't we reunite again? It's been a while. You two must miss me so much, mostly your Jin Hyung.” The man smiled innocently.

“No one, no one, missed you! Get out of your delusional head! Leave Jin Hyung alone, leave us alone!” Taehyung snarled with tears in his eyes.

This man shouldn't show up anymore, he made their lives miserable. Having a father like him was like living in hell with Satan.

“What's happening there? What are you doing to Taehyung?” Jungkook's voice can be heard asking in the neat alley.

“It seemed like we will continue our little talk next time. See you again, my pup.” The man patted Taehyung's cheeks and walked away as if nothing happened.

Taehyung slid down his back on the wall and cried while covering his ears, hearing eerie voices in his head.

“Taehyung, are you okay?” Jungkook asked, going near him.

“D-don't hurt Hyungie, please, d-don't hurt him. Taetae will be a good boy, I'm begging you, don't hurt Hyungie.” Taehyung cried while he accidentally slipped into his little headspace.

“What's happening, Taehyung? What's wrong?” Jungkook knelt in front of Taehyung, holding him on his shoulder.

“I-I promise, Taetae will listen from now on. Taetae won't complain anymore. Just don't hit Hyungie, stop it, Hyungie is bleeding.” Taehyung wailed, squirming around as if he were in a different dimension because he was not responding to Jungkook.

Jungkook couldn't understand what Taehyung was saying. He wanted to comfort him, but how?

“Taehyung, baby, look at me.” Jungkook gently shook Taehyung's body to get him back to his senses.

He was able to make Taehyung look at him, Jungkook felt a pain in his heart, seeing Taehyung looking at him with tears in his eyes.

“M-mister, p-please h-help us, h-he's hurting us. H-he might kill Hyungie, p-please, save Hyungie, he's bleeding, he's going to die. Please save us, Mister, I'm begging you.” Taehyung said that with a shaky tone while clutching Jungkook's sleeve as if his life depends on it.

What's happening to Taehyung? Why did he sound like a kid speaking? Who is that man? What did he do to Taehyung? That's what the thoughts in Jungkook's brain are.

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