Dimileth week day 3: Fairy AU

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"Claude, are you sure this is a good idea?" His passenger asked.

"Don't worry your princeliness, I'm just helping a poor girl out."

"Now you're sounding like Sylvain."

Claude turned his attention back to Byleth. "Don't worry about Dimitri here, he just needed a lift back to his part of the woods." Claude said. Byleth climbed onto the tiny wyvern and off they flew out of Lorenz's sight.

"Now that was a close one." Byleth sighed in relief.

"Oh, I never got your name, before. Like I said, I'm Claude and that's Dimitri." Claude said.

"I'm Byleth, I'm not really supposed to be here. I need to get back home." Byleth said. She looked around to see if she could find her home but it was just forest all around here. "But I don't know where it could be.."

"I would be happy to help. I don't really have anything to do at the moment. Even if I made it back to my area, I wouldn't have anything to do." Dimitri offered.

Byleth nodded and smiled. "That would be lovely." She said. Dimitri was enamored, he found her smile very cute and somewhat mesmerizing. Claude took note and winked at Dimitri. Dimitri was embarrassed to say the least. However, Byleth was a little clueless and didn't get the hint that Dimitri was staring at her.

Claude turned back his attention to flying. He saw storm clouds near them. "Guys, hate to break it to you, but a storm's coming." He said. A boom of thunder filled the air and the wyvern was spooked. Byleth never really experienced a thunderstorm before, so she jumped in her seat and into the arms of the closest person, which so happened to be Dimitri. Dimitri was flustered and Byleth was startled.

Rain started to pour down. Since they were so small, the rain felt more like giant balls of water than tiny drops. The wyvern could barely fly in the rain. Claude tried to land it, but the rain was coming down so hard that the wyvern and 3 passengers all crashed. Dimitri, being the awkward fellow he is, accidentally let go of Byleth during their fall. While Claude and Dimitri landed on a leaf, Byleth landed in a runoff stream and was being swept away.

"Help!" She screamed. Dimitri ran through the pouring rain to try and help her. He found a stick for Byleth to grab onto. Unfortunately, he wasn't quick enough and Byleth was swept away.

"Damn it." Dimitri whispered. He yanked a leaf off of a plant and used it as an umbrella.

"Hey, where are you going?" Claude asked.

"To find Byleth. It's my fault that she got swept away in that stream, it's only right that I rescue her." Dimitri said as he walked away. Claude sighed. He found someplace to ride out the storm. He wasn't much help without a fast mode of transport or a weapon.

Byleth managed to take hold of a stem to pull herself out of the stream. She was soaked to the bone and shivering. She had to find someplace to hide until the storm blew over. Unfortunately, she bumped into someone before she could find some place. Surprise, surprise, it was another fairy. This time it was a brown haired one with red rose petals as a dress.

"Oh, hello there. Are you lost? I've never seen you here before." The fairy asked.

"I'm trying to find my way home, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way." Byleth said.

"Nonsense, it's pouring down rain. Here, follow me and you can wait for the storm to pass with me and my friend." The fairy offered. "My name is Dorothea by the way. What's yours?"


"That's a nice name. You're pretty too." Dorothea said.

"Thanks?" Byleth said. They walked to a tiny wooden house carved inside a giant tree trunk.

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