The Quidditch World Cup 2012

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Flash back to the Quidditch World Cup in 2012 (everyone is there except Percy, Audrey, both Mollys, Arthur and Lucy) Teddy's P.O.V
We where sitting in the ministers box the game was tense as they where neck and neck Ireland where playing Bulgaria just as they had been in Harry's 4th year. Eventually after 4hours Ireland won.

We where all celebrating in the tents when there was a loud bang and people started to shout.

No one's P.O.V
Everyone was shouting Harry ran out of the tent then back in again and shouted "everyone out Teddy look after them go to the woods we'll met you there" all the adults ran out as all the children went to Teddy trying to workout what to do. Teddy then grabbed hugo and said "ok everyone calm down Vic, Xander wands out. Xander carry Lily, Vicky grab Evans. Everyone stay close ok." Teddy then started to walk out of the tent as Rose and Scorp where only 6. He tried to make them go faster as he could hear the shouting getting closer. They finally made it to the woods when Teddy suddenly shouted "EVERYONE RUN" they started to run as fast as possible as they could see 5 death eaters chasing them. Teddy suddenly said "Dom take Hugo. Vic and Xander are in charge don't look back just run don't worry about me" he then started to run towards the death eaters and slightly left yell at the death eaters insulting them.

Teddy's P.O.V
I was running away from the others trying to lead the death eaters away 3 where now chasing me whilst 2 chased the others. I stunned the 2 chasing them but that lost me time trying to protect my self I saw that it was 2 death eaters and Fenrir Greyback chasing me. I stunned 1 of the death eaters but the other 1 hit me with a spell that felt like they punched me in the face my mouth started to fill with blood I tried to stun them but it came out as "stuppifi" in stead the death eater crumpled gashes all over his body. But I didn't have time to worry over him Greyback was catching up he finally caught up with me he grabbed my wand out of my hand and pushed me to the ground. He was on top of me I had more than the usual strength because of my werewolf genetics but he was a full werewolf with no worries of hurting me I was bleeding he had torn my upper body to shreds I just managed to pick up a rock and smash it into the side of his head nocking him out before everything went black.

A few moments earlier Harry's P.O.V
I was running trying to find the kids when I saw Teddy running and someone chasing him I couldn't see who it was. I started to chase after them but I lost them. I finally saw them again but it didn't look good they where about 200 meters away I could now see it was Fenrir Greyback that Teddy was fighting. Teddy was on the ground Greyback on top of him I was nearly at them all I could see was blood Teddy picked up a rock and slammed it into the side of Greyback's head nocking him out I reached them just as Teddy past out.

A/n hi bit of a different chapter the usual. Would love to hear what you think.

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