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Sirius's P.O.V
We where in the middle of an order meeting when we heard a loud bang we all grabbed are wands and ran out to the hall way to find...

A bunch of kids?
I had so many questions but Mad-Eye got there first he  grabbed one of the kids who was on the top of the pile and yelled "who are you and how did you get here" the boy who has bright turquoise hair said "err odd question could any of you tell me the year"

Victoire's P.O.V
I managed to help all the others up just as someone I recognise as Remus Lupin-Black Teddy's long dead father. He said "1995" I didn't think I just yell "what it can't be it's 2013 this has got to be a joke"

Sirius's P.O.V
The kid with blue hair then swore under his breath in Latin I was kind of impressed that he new Latin but that's not the point I needed answers so I stepped forward and asked " how did you get in to my house" I was going to continue when a boy who looked just like James said "your house this is my house" the blue haired boy then said to him " James shut up your in enough trouble already" I was about to speak again when Dumbledore came forward " I believe that these children have had a mix up with a time turner" the blue haired boy nodded. Then Dumbledore continued " If I'm not mistaken I believe you are the future children of people in this room" they all nodded then Dumbledore told us all to go into the kitchen so we could all introduce are selves. Mad-Eye grumbling about how this was not a tea party and how they could by death eaters.

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