Dinner in 1995

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No one's P.O.V
Everyone was eating and talking happily Victoire and Dom where talking to Bill about school and what they wanted to be. Xander and Pheobe where talking to Charlie about dragons. James, Fred II, Roxy and Louis where talking to Fred and George about pranks. Molly II and Lucy where talking to Molly and Ginny about what the world is like in there time. Hugo and Ron where talking chess. Scorp and Rose where talking to Hermione about the ministry and how it's improved since 1995. Lily was telling Harry and Tonks how cool Harry and Draco where as parents. And finally Teddy was talking to Remus and Sirius about life whilst feeding Evans.

Teddy's P.O.V
I was talking to my dead parents about my life. How did this happen I really wanted to cry and yell I'm your son I love you at them but that would be weird so I didn't. That's when I noticed the time it was half past seven so I said "ok err where are we sleeping tonight" Grandma Weasley replied "well if Victoire, Dom and Pheobe share one of the spare rooms. You, Hugo and Xander can share with Ron and Harry. James, Fred and Louis can share one of the other rooms lily, Evans and Rose can share with Hermione and Ginny. Then Molly(II), Lucy and Roxy can share the final room wait I've given an extra room" Papa (Remus) then said "me and Sirius don't mind sharing" grandma looked worried so he continued "we did it for seven years I think we can manage till we can get them back to their own time" grandma then nodded and said ok. So I picked up Evans who had fallen asleep and asked lily and Hugo if they wanted to go to bed now or in ten minutes they said now so they said good night and I took them up to bed.

I was just tucking in lily and Evans (Hugo was already asleep in the next room) when I noticed Tonks in the door way as we where walking back downstairs together she said "you're really good with them you know" I smiled awkwardly and said "thank you Dora" she looked shocked and said "did you just call me Dora only my parents do that" I blush my hair turning pink she laughed but her question was forgotten as she tripped over the bottom step.

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