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Harry's P.O.V
After we broke the hug remus said "you really don't mind" I shook my head and smiled "of course not I now have two godfathers" but my smile dropped when I looked over to the door and saw James crying, I got up and walked over to him I didn't know what to say so I gently tapped his shoulder he turned around and hugged me I was taken aback but hugged him.

A few minutes earlier with Teddy. Teddy's P.O.V
I ran out crying, all I could think of was my parents and how I couldn't do anything. I ran into the library where the others were earlier, the mirror was sitting on one of the sofas so I picked it up and said Harry into it. I was still crying but only a little bit when Harry answered, he smiled but it fell when he saw my face and he said "oh Ted what's wrong?" I looked at him and brust back into heavy sobs "James said something and I got really mad at him and yelled and then ran out and now I don't know what to do!" Harry looked worried then said "what did he say to you, it better not have been about your parents I told them not to mention them to you." I looked away I was thinking of all the things James had said to me only minutes ago. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Harry said "Ted" I looked at him and said quietly "he said he didn't understand why you where saying this was hard on me as I got to meet my parents." he started to look angrier so I said quickly "but please don't give him into trouble." Harry looked confused. I looked down embarrassed a pit of guilt growing in my stomach "I lost it at him and yelled and I don't know what to do he was crying and I let slip that dad and papa together and they hadn't told people yet" I said quickly. We spoke for a bit more till I calmed down then I went back down stairs.

Time skip to Teddy coming back downstairs No one's P.O.V
As Teddy walked into the kitchen everyone turned to look at him but he walked straight over to Harry and James, tapped James on the shoulder and as so as James turned around he hugged him and whispered "I'm sorry I shouted I love you it's ok I'm not angry at anyone but me" James  quietly replied "I love you to I'm sorry." everyone then seemed to remember that Remus and Sirius where together and all at once started to ask questions
"Who knows"
Sirius stood up and shouted "QUIET. Thank you could you ask one at a time please"
Harry then started "did my parents know"
Remus nodded and laughed "yeah they knew they spent the best part of 6th year trying to get us together till we finally gave in and told them we already were" everyone laughed till Ron looked over at Teddy and said "who do you live with if both of your parents are dead?" hermione the shouted "RONALD" and hit him on the back of the head everyone laughed then looked at Teddy who stuttered before saying "I will answer all your questions when the others are asleep and with that started to take the younger ones up to bed.

Time skip to after everyone from the future were in bed other than Xander, Victiore and Teddy
(a/n sorry for all the time skips I know this chapter isn't very good. Beany)
The three oldest came back down stairs after putting the others to bed so that they could answer questions.

Remus's P.O.V
We were all sitting in awkward silence till Teddy said "so uncle Ron to answer your question I live with Harry and Draco. But I used to live with my aunt Dromeda" I smiled thinking of how happy he was. Harry then asked "am I... are we good parents?" Teddy nodded. Tonks then asked "so what's your full name if it would give away your parents?" Teddy replied "Edward Remus Sirius Lupin-Black. Like I said earlier I'm 15 and in Hufflepuff plus I'm have more detentions in my first 4 years then all 4 of the marauders put together in their first 4 years. I even have a chair with my name on it in Minnie's office!" Sirius gasped "how did you get your own chair?" Teddy laughed "well it was the first week of my second year and I was in her office for the eighth time so she said and I quote "mr Lupin-Black you are in that chair so often it might as well have your name on it" so the next day I got Peeves to make a distraction while I snuck into her office and put a plaque on the chair with a permeant sticking charm that says my name, birthday and the years I will be in school. I also have three weekly meetings with her which she likes to call detentions." Sirius laughed and said "you are definitely our son" I just rolled my eyes and after a while we all went to bed.

(A/n hi guys hope you are enjoying the story I think it will probably wrap up soon the next chapter might be the last other than the prologue. Beany)

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