Chapter 5

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I look down at my phone. A small smile instantly pops onto my face when I see who sent me a message.

I put down my utensils and while looking at my phone, I hum, "Do you guys want to hang out with Forth and his friends again this weekend? Same place as last time?"

Kit nearly chokes on his food as he almost screams, "What?!"

Pha sighs. "I don't know if that is a good idea or not. Beam, you know what happened the last time."

Still with my attention focused on my phone as I type a response back to Forth, I huff, "I will make Forth promise to not let that happen again." I pause for a moment. "Unless Kit wants it to happen."

Kit tries to reach across the table and grab me, but Pha stops him. 

While trying to get out of Pha's grip, Kit hisses, "I don't want it to happen. NEVER!!"

Mentally, I smirk to myself. I honestly don't think that it is actually never.

I shrug my shoulders. "Whatever you say Kitty. Regardless, I will make sure that Forth makes his guys behave."

As Pha holds Kit down, Pha replies, "I don't know. Can Forth really promise that no one is going to eat our Kitty alive?"

I nod my head. "I'll make sure that he makes it happen."

The whole time that Pha and I are talking, Kit is hissing, "Never," over and over again.

I finally look up from my phone and smile. "Wasn't it fun to actually hang out together for once and me not leave you two alone?"

Pha slowly nods his head. "Yeah, but the morning after was a little more exciting than I was planning. However, I have to say that I got a good front row seat for Kitty's fierce kitty attack on you."

Well, that wasn't that much fun for me. Kit actually left some bruises on me and my arms were sore for a couple of days. However, I have to go through that again in order to get them to come with me, then I'll sacrifice myself for it.

However, I'm not going to let them know that.

I smile and chime, "Okay. It is settled. We will go to their bar again Friday night."

Kit shakes his head frantically while hissing, "No."

However, Pha looks at Kit, before he sighs. "I guess so, but you need to promise that Kit is safe too."

I raise an eyebrow and smirk. "Only Kit. Aren't you afraid too?"

Pha shakes his head. "No. I saw everyone last time and there isn't anyone in there that I'm worried about, beside Forth and his main men. However, I don't think that they will do anything to us because that would make you upset. I honestly don't think that his fellow gang members will risk Forth's anger just to do something to us. I'm fine."

I look back down to my phone and hum, "Whatever." I quickly send a message letting Forth know that we will be there, but I make sure to let him know that Kit needs to be protected. Even though I'm willing to sacrifice my body for Kit's anger, I would rather not get any more bruises. Even though Kit is smaller, he can still throw some hard punches.


I sit down in the classroom next to Pha and Kit. As I get ready for our class, Pha asks, "I forgot to ask during lunch, but what did you and Forth do last night? I know that you were going to go out for a meal, but did you do anything else?"

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