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The game was against Wolves, and it was a home game

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The game was against Wolves, and it was a home game. Jordyn felt that they were an odd team to play against, not that she wasn't up for the challenge. She'd commented to Trent earlier in the week that they were very aptly named for their style of play, seeming to do better against opposition who were more talented and stronger than them. They were constantly waiting for you to slip up with the ball so that they could pounce on the error and work it to their advantage.

Jordyn felt her limbs fatiguing much quicker in this game, probably because of the games she'd already played not long before. It was an ache she was familiar with, having played like this in the past, and she pushed it to the back of her mind, focusing on the game. However, they were attacking a corner kick about fifty minutes into the game, and when Mo's header ricocheted off the crossbar, Jordyn wasn't prepared to find the ball at her feet. As a result, she kept possession of it for perhaps a second too long, and the Wolves striker pounced on it, before making a break towards the other end. The game was still nil-nil, and every Liverpool defender had been up to attack the corner. Virgil and Joe went after the striker, and Jordyn felt her heart leap into her mouth as she watched Virgil catch up to him, his long strides making him easily the faster one. He effectively tackled him, flicking the ball back up the line and eventually out of play. Perhaps the only person more relieved than Jordyn was Ali in goal, and Jordyn breathed out heavily. But the crisis was averted, and fifteen minutes later, when Mo finally opened the scoring, she began to feel better. However, not long afterwards, her number was being called, and she glanced towards the sidelines. Her stomach dropped when she saw that Ellie was coming on to replace her, but she dutifully ran over towards the touchline, raising her hands to thank the fans who were applauding her. She was grateful that they apparently were not holding her mistake against her, knowing that it would be the only thing she'd see every time she closed her eyes for several days to come.

Klopp patted her on the back as she left the field, and returned to the subs bench, grabbing a drink bottle out of the crate, before plopping down tiredly between Amyrah and Ox to watch the rest of the game.

"You good, Jord?" Asked Ox.

"Yeah," Jord shrugged, emotionlessly. "Just tired. I feel bad."

"Why do you feel bad?" Amyrah wondered. "You had a pretty good game, I thought. I mean, there was that one error..."

"Reckon that's why he took me off though," Jordyn sighed. "I'm just... I don't know, I was out of it today."

"He took you off coz you're tired," Ox stated, as though it were obvious. "And that error was pretty uncharacteristic of you, if you ask me. Don't stress over it, yeah? Just learn from the mistake and move on."

Jordyn smiled at him gratefully.

"Thanks, man. I'll try, I guess."

The three of them turned back to watch the game. A few minutes later, Amyrah went to warm up, and went on for Naby Ketia. And later on, in the dying seconds of stoppage time, Liverpool scored again, this time through an inch perfect cross from Liyah, and an Ellie tap in. Ellie was understandably overjoyed, and Jordyn tried to push her animosity aside and be happy for the girl. It was her first goal for Liverpool, and she had been working hard. She deserved the praise she was getting. However, Jordyn couldn't help wondering if Ellie would end up starting the next game in her place.

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