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After that day, Jordyn and Virgil began to spend almost every day in each other's company

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After that day, Jordyn and Virgil began to spend almost every day in each other's company. As Jordyn had said, they were being very obvious, and the rest of their teammates picked up on what was going on pretty quickly. However, neither of them particularly cared, and batted away any questions regarding it without answering them. Jordyn liked Virgil a lot, but she still wasn't sure if she wanted to jump into a relationship right away. She'd never had feelings for someone so strongly as this before, and consequently, she'd never dated anyone, preferring the freedom to live her life independently. She was now learning, however, that being tied to someone might not be such a bad thing. It was around this time that they discovered how creative they both were - having both come from humble beginnings, putting time and effort into simple past times wasn't foreign to them, and something like a drawing competition started between them.

"Wait, so who's book is this?" Gini asked one day, in the cafeteria.

He was looking through an A4 spiral bound book filled with white pages, most of them now covered in pencil drawings of various different things, from sketches of footballs, to intricate drawings of people or cartoony video game characters.

"It's both of ours," said Jordyn in explanation, as she bit into her toasted sandwich she was eating for lunch. "Virg has it one day, and I have it the next."

"It's a completion," said Virg. "But like... we're not really sure what the actual rules are, so..."

"You don't know what the rules are?" Asked Gini, in amusement. "You two are unbelievable."

"Unbelievably good, you mean," Jordyn grinned at him. "How sick are our drawings! This book deserves to be in an art museum."

"You mean gallery," corrected Gini. "Don't old things go in a museum?"

"Whatever, bro," Virgil rolled his eyes at his friend in a playful manner.

"Oh, he defends you as well now Jord?" Gini smirked at the dark haired girl, and she shook her head in disbelief.

"Not you as well, Gini," she said. "Why is everyone on our case right now?"

"Because you two flirting with each other twenty four seven is the most exciting thing that's happening at the moment," Gini explained, as though it were obvious.

"What about Trent and Ellie?" She objected.

"They're old news," Gini responded, shrugging his shoulders.

"We're going to Spain this week, that's exciting," said Virgil.

"It is, to be fair," Gini nodded. "I'm really looking forward to the game. You guys should bring your drawing book on the trip."

"We will," Virgil nodded, glancing at Jordyn. "Don't know if we're gonna have time for it, but it might as well come."

Spain, and the first leg against Barca was upon them before they knew it, and pretty soon they were on the plane heading towards their destination. Jordyn and Virgil sat side by side on the plane, both of them with a lead pencil in hand, sharing half a page of the infamous drawing book. There was a double line drawn across the middle of the page, which marked the demilitarised zone that nobody was allowed to enter. On one side, Virgil was drawing a city with high, impenetrable looking walls, and on the other, Jordyn was drawing an elaborate cannon to blast holes in it.

"Cannons are so old school," stated Virgil quietly, as they didn't want to disturb the rest of the team on the flight. "You should have drawn a bomb or something."

"Well come to that, locking yourself in a city isn't going to do much if a bomb is dropped on it," she responded. "Cannons are more interesting, anyway."

Jordyn paused what she was doing for a moment to look at him. Virgil didn't notice, being too focussed on shading the bricks that made up his city walls, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth in concentration. Jordyn bit her lip, fighting the smile that threatened to creep onto her face. She knew at this point it was too late to stop how fast she was falling for him, and that both scared and excited her. After a while, Virgil seemed to feel her eyes on him, and looked up to meet her gaze. He smiled, and raised an eyebrow at her, before returning to what he was doing.

"Don't look at me like that when I can't do anything about it," he muttered, and Jordyn laughed softly.

"You had your game face on just then," she told him. "Are you defending a goal with your city walls? Is this a self portrait?"

Virgil laughed then, and shook his head at her.

"How are you dealing with the pressure?" He asked.

"I'm okay," she said. "Nothing we haven't felt before. And I believe in us, this time round. Not that I didn't believe last time, but... I don't know, it was more like disbelief, like 'are we really doing this?' Now it's something closer to confidence. I know we're capable of winning the champions league. We just have to keep producing our best football, in this game, and the next, and the final when we make it there, because we will make it there. But... how about you? With everything they're saying about you at the moment..."

Virgil smiled a little, and sighed.

"I'm okay too," he nodded. "I wish people would just let me play, and stop lining me up as being the best footballer in the world or something. It's not something I think about, and it's not something I ever want to think about. As long as I'm good enough to do my job, and to help the rest of you guys win trophies, that's all I want."

"People are always going to compare you, though," Jordyn said softly. "For as long as you're worth your chips they'll be setting expectations for us as individuals that are higher than we can achieve. But as a team, we're gonna go places."

"I agree with you," said Virgil. "This is our season, I believe it. That starts tonight."

A/N: this is one of my favourite chapters :)

A/N: this is one of my favourite chapters :)

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