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"I think we're making good time," commented Amyrah, as they all passed through the door

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"I think we're making good time," commented Amyrah, as they all passed through the door.

The new room was much more bare than the others. It contained a table with nothing on it, a strange looking trapdoor on the floor with a ball maze lock, and a locked toy box, with a two number code. The toy box, of course, had dinosaurs on it, and the word DINOS was printed on the lid.

"It's only a two digit code," said Hendo. "We could just try every combination until we get it."

"Nah, let's do it properly, if we can," said Joe. "Maybe we're supposed to count something? It's a small number. Jordyn, how many marbles were in that box?"

"There's fifteen of them," she responded, counting them quickly. "Try 15 in the code?"

15 did not unlock the box, and they were on the point of moving on from it, when Amyrah came up with the idea of counting all the dinosaurs they'd seen so far.

"There's dinosaur pictures all over the toy box," she stated. "It literally says DINOS in big letters. I think that's what we're supposed to do."

"Alright, you guys do that then," said Virgil. "Jord, can you bring your marbles here though? I think I've found a use for them."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"This ball maze here... I think we're supposed to drop one in to unlock it," he mused. "What's the smallest marble in the box?"

Jordyn pulled it out, and handed it to him, and he dropped it in the hole right in the centre. It fitted perfectly, and as the rest of them counted up the dinosaurs, Jordyn and Virgil tried to figure out the marble maze. They were still trying when the others got the toy box open, after discovering there were eleven dinosaurs spread out across the rooms. Inside the box was a jigsaw puzzle, and Amyrah and Joe took it to the table, and began to solve it.

"I think we need something else to help us crack this maze," said Jordyn. "It's like there's something missing."

"Maybe we should wait until they've finished the jigsaw puzzle," nodded Virgil.

The jigsaw proved to be some kind of code, and upon finishing it, they stared at it in confusion for a moment, wondering what it was supposed to mean.

"No, wait, hold on," Jordyn laughed, suddenly remembering the code cracking information she'd obtained from the previous room. "Here's the thing that tells you how to crack it."

She passed it over to Amyrah, and the others peered over the Mancunian's shoulder curiously to see what it was.

"Ohhhh," said Amyrah, with a laugh. "Okay, let me see..."

She began deciphering a series of directions from the jigsaw puzzle, before Virgil halted her.

"Yes, this is what we need for the maze!" He stated. "Can you start again, Amyrah?"

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