"What's a young chica like you doing here all by yourself?" Four teenagers block me suddenly. They came right out of the shadows. How sneaky. They must think they are so cool with their matching tattoos and swagger. There's nothing cool about being in a gang. I would only wish they did it to survive. 

"Me?" I look around cluelessly. Honestly, I'm looking for a bus stop or a taxi. Of course, I doubt any public transportation stays long here before they flee for the safety of their lives. 

"Who else are we talking about?" The tallest one, who looks like he's the boss of this ragtag bunch, replies. He seems to be the oldest and most experienced judging by his appearance. I would estimate his age is low twenties. 

I shrug as I slowly begin to walk. They follow me. 

"Where you going?" They stick close to me like glue. 

I choose not to answer, trying to think of a way to evade them. 

"We've been watching you eh. You're running from something..or someone." The youngest boy seems to say before he grunts in pain, probaby from someone's elbow to make him stop talking.

"Oh. I'm just in a rush to get home. I got a test tomorrow."

"School?" They snicker. "You're here for school? Got some community service thing?" 

"Yeah. I'm helping my cousins out." I should keep my mouth shut. People like them could snap at anything I say.

"Ah cousins? Who they be?" I've caught their interests. I look at them all again. Of the four, only two of them seem fit enough to catch me. I've been slowly regaining my strength and speed, but I do not hold much confidence on my ability still. However, with the moment of surprise I could probably escape. I am willing to risk the chances. 

Rivera St. I read the street sign. Once I pass this street, I'm good. I think this is the edge of the bad parts. Then again, it's been a while so I wouldn't know. 

"You gonna answer our questions girl?" The third one finally speaks.

"I did?" I look at them questioningly.

"She did?" Two of them stare back at me confused. Okay, so only the tallest one and the third guy are the more dangerous of the four. 

"You see this here?" The youngest one points to the tattoo on his bicep. "You recognize it?" 

'What's that?" I point to it. 

"she must be book smart, you idiot. The girl ain't got no street smart in here. That's how girls like wonder the streets at night." 

"Excuse me?" I frown, not at all offended though. 

"This is the tattoo of the Acerbi family." He says proudly. 

"Acerbi? Is that an Italian restaurant?" 

"Wait," the tallest one stops me with his arm. I flinch slightly at the touch. "What's your name?"

"Why is that important?"

"Answer Ricky's question!" The three of them slam me against the brick wall suddenly. Okay, this has just turned violent.

"Taylor Inglewood." I blurt out. 

Ricky grabs my glasses and throws it to the ground. Immediately, I drop to the ground and fumble for them. 

"Get up."

"I can't see without my glasses! I have really bad eyesight. P-please!" I cry.

"Find her those damn glasses." He says to the other three before leaning closer.

"I'm too young to die! Please don't kill me!" I push him away, picking his pocket in the process. I'm a bit rusty, but I manage to grab his wallet without him noticing. I can't believe it actually worked though. I proceed to stuff it down my pants. 

"Gio, hold her down." He grumbles irritatingly.

"Wait, I'll give you all my money if you let me go!" I hold up my hands. 

Ricky ignores me but grabs his cell phone from his pocket. He opens it up and squints at the bright light, then at me. If I didn't know better, he might be looking at a picture of me. I'm thankful I still have my wig on at least. The bangs of the wigs covers my face rather well.

"Wait!" I look down and pretend to grab my money. Obviously, I don't have any money, but they don't know that. I grab onto my knives and get into position, ready to strike. I kick Ricky in the stomach and stab Gio in his shoulder. Gio lets go of me as he screams in pain. Ricky falls on top of another one of the guys. Then, I sprint as fast as I can away from them. Knowing that they will probably catch up to me soon, I have to find somewhere hide. 

I can hear them shouting rather graphic words at me as i run. I turn left into an alley and hide behind a garbage bin. I hear shouts and footsteps as they run pass me. Heh. 

I crouch there waiting for it to be silent again. The alley smells really bad though. Eventually, I walk back out to the streets again. I don't see them anymore. I walk in the shadows now, which isn't that hard as the streetlamps are mostly shattered. 

Right now I wish I knew how to hotwire a car or something. It's getting relaly sucky that all I can do is walk and run. I walk aimlessly before I realize that the buildings actually seem more nice now. Well, the windows aren't smashed and they don't have graffiti all over. It's still quiet and dead a tnight. 

I spot a bus down the street. ONce again, I run towards it. All this running is killing me. 

"Wait! Wait!" I scream and hit the door right before it shuts. "Thank God!"

The driver looks at me with distaste. There's nobody on the bus. 

"Where are you heading?" I barely get the words out.

"Look girl. I'm not accepting anyone else. I'm on my last stop home."

"Where are you heading? Please I need this ride." 

"I'm going to Glenwood." He looks at me suspiciously.

"That's perfect. I have money." I grab Ricky's wallet and take out a couple bucks.

"take a seat." He gestures to the empty seats. 

"Thank you!" I smile before sitting down. It feels so nice to be able to sit on something. I sigh in relief as I finally get to relax. I take a small nap, just a quick one.


"Girl." Someone pokes me.

"Girl." His voice yells impatiently. 

I open my eyes and see the driver. 

"Oh shoot! Are we there?" 

"Yes. You sleep like the dead." 

"My apologies!" I grab my stuff and run out of the bus. Huh, I've never been here and  have no idea where I am. It doesn't matter. 

At least there is a McDonald's. I head towards it in hopes of some food in my empty stomach. As soon as I enter, the aromas make my stomach growl. Food is food and it's been so long since I had any. 

I head to a table with my food and munch away to my meal. It's like heaven. Things are finally looking up. It isn't until now that I realize I forgot to pay the bus driver. Oh well, I just hope I never have to see him again then. 

As soon as I finish my food, I huff. I don't know what to do or where to go. Actually, I do know where I can go. I'm going to grab my key. 

I guess I'm coming home. Next stop: Chicago. 

Nerd in Disguise: Blood BoundWhere stories live. Discover now