"That might be your plan. Mines better." Damon cockily said causing Stefans eye to twitch.

Evenda pursed her lips this was gonna get nasty real quick and she had a front row seat to the Salvatore fight.

Damon tried to walk away but was pulled back roughly by Stefan making Evenda gasp. All this because Elena. She shook her head.

"I said back off" the Brunette vampire spoke in a dangerously low voice. Evenda walked over yanking Stefans grip off Damon.

"Ok. Let's all calm down." She said but the Salvatores eyes were glued to each other as much as she wanted to see the fight she didn't want to see them get hurt. You can say she had some sort of soft spot for them.

"I said let's all calm down." and they did making her girl sigh happily.

"Haven't used that one in a while." She spoke to herself letting go of Damon and pushing him into the living room while Stefan walked off the urge to strangle Damon, that wasn't going to get him anywhere.

The jet black haired vampire sped to the bottle of good bourbon as usual, opening it up and drinking straight out the bottle.

"So another suicide mission huh ? Who does this girl think she is Lois Lane?" Evenda questioned trying to make a joke but Damon scowled not liking that the siren practically called Elena a damsel.

Evenda held her hands up in defense walking over to the couch slowly not wanting to be Damon's brunch.

  Pacing around the basement her skin itching anxiously as she was left alone with no one to talk to no one to watch and nothing to do. She was bored out of her mind digging through old dusty boxes with years on them.




We're the ones she found the most interesting stuff at.

Pulling out old dresses, accessories, books, but one thing that caught her eye was a box full of cards. Beautiful illustrations on the cover. She traced over the vibrant colors on the cover of the box.

This thing made her feel a bit better about her day. She didn't know why but it did. Taking it with her she jogged back up stairs with it happily like she just found the jackpot.

  "Oh Jenna thank god" Elena walked in as Evenda guided her into her bedroom where Jenna was wrapped in her pink blanket shaking uncontrollably.

She's only been here for less then twenty minutes yet she flipped the whole Salvatore boarding houses mood.

The aunt had something that flicked Evenda's emotions to a unstable state where she wanted to do nothing but comfort the girl that seemed to always be filled with purity.

Maybe thats was it, her innocence and clean energy that was so easy to tap into and experience how raw it all felt for yourself.

"No" the red head backed away from Elena scared.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen." Elena said and Evenda swore she saw a smile ghost upon the doppelgängers lips.

"When I was little, your mom used to tell me bedtime stories. Stories about vampires. I never thought that what she said could be true." Jenna spoke up her voice wavering.

"It is true Jenna. We live among them. I should have told you." Elena walked closer to Jenna. "I thought that if you didn't know, you'd be safe, but then things got out of hand and everything I had done to keep you out of it, it just blew in my face"

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