Chapter 1

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This is the story I mentioned I might post one day like a year and a half ago. I planned to edit it since its quite a few years old bur all I've done is replace the cringe use of 'n' with and, still trying to figure out how to split it up since it's a 45 thousand word chunk. I couldn't figure out what I'd do for a cover either. Here's the first thousand.
There's all sorts of ridiculous drug and alcohol use and self destruction ahead basically I think I was trying to out do the films Arthur and Get Him to the Greek and Russell Brand's autobiographies.


        It was the night before my twentieth birthday and I was sat with my newly found stepsister. She was trying to get to know me and I had a tale or two to tell.

        She was my dad’s wife’s kid; she was nineteen years old and was quite shy but we had only just met which was a valid reason to be timid.

        She was the total opposite of me. She had blonde hair, I had black hair. She had blue eyes, I had brown eyes. We were completely different right to the core. While I pondered whether I was in the gutters of life or surrounded by the luxuries of life, she sat very still and very quietly.

   “Why does your dad live with my mum and not your mum?” she asked rather childishly.

   “Because my parents got divorced when I was three after that dad met and married your mum.” I shrugged.

   “Why does your brother live at my house and not here at your house?” she continued.

   “He chose to go and live with dad.” I said.

        Phoenix (my parents had decided to buy into the use of unusual names for celebrity children, luckily, they didn’t do it again for my name- Alexia) was two years older than me and had quickly realised that he would prefer living with his father while I stayed with mum. The courts said that I was supposed to see dad one weekend every two weeks and Phoenix was supposed to come see mum with the same conditions but that never happened.

   “What’s it like being almost twenty?” she asked.

   “It’s the same as every other birthday for the last ten years of my life- rather weird and confusing.” I said. “It’s just a number really.”

“You won’t be a teenager anymore.” she pointed out.

I didn’t want to face that. “Evangeline, come here!” I shouted casually.

        Evangeline had served as the family nanny from when Phoenix was born and she was still in charge of looking after me now. I didn’t think there was ever going to be a point when I wouldn’t need her. She was my paid mum.

   “What do you want now?” she asked impatiently as she walked into the room.

   “Could you go and get me a spliff… I could do with a smoke.” I smiled.

        She walked out without answering so I assumed she had gone to get my stuff from the ‘relaxation room’ I had, had built a few years ago. The relaxation room consisted of an indoor fish pond with a waterfall, a bookshelf, a cabinet and a couple of sofas.

   “You smoke cannabis?” Faith (my stepsister) asked in utter shock.

   “That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” I shrugged, enjoying her reaction, knowing there were a lot more shocks to come.

   “Do you want a smoke?” I offered thinking she could do with it.

   “No I do not ‘want a smoke’. It’s dirty, it’s illegal and it’s immoral.”she said crossly, getting her knickers in a right twist.

        I forgot that Faith was quite strictly catholic and everything against what’s written in the good old bible is deeply immoral, which probably means I’m going to end up in the deepest pits of hell. “Calm down, it’s no big deal.”

She’d already told me a lot about her but I didn’t really listen to all her talking. I wasn’t used to having any kind of family around so I wasn’t betting on her staying around. I didn’t see any point investing but she did so it was my turn to talk.

   “When did your relationship with drugs start?” she asked after she had gotten over the initial shock and became curious and eager to learn.

        Evangeline came back with the materials needed to make a joint with a disappointed look on her face. She was probably the person who was most against my drug use as she had to deal with the consequences. She definitely didn’t approve of me boasting about it.

        I rolled up the joint quickly (while being careful not to drop any of it) and awkwardly then lit it with a fag lighter. I felt awkward doing it in front of this girl, which was weird for me. “I was about eleven, but I was twelve or thirteen when I started to smoke it regularly.” I said as tried to think back while taking a smoke of the joint.

        Faith was trying to waft the smoke away from her without trying to be inconspicuous. She really wasn’t comfortable around it at all. “Why would you even consider smoking anything never mind Cannabis?”

   “I don’t know. I was already drunk. Some older kids that were deemed cool offered me a joint and I took it.” I shrugged.

   “What is it like?” she asked curiously.

   “Cannabis mostly just makes you relaxed and happy… the stuff your mind comes up with is pretty cool too.” I smiled, thinking back on some of the conversations I’d had as I continued to smoke. I would have offered to share again but there was no chance of her saying yes so there was no point in asking.

   “What’s it been like, smoking and stuff for the last ten years?” she asked. She clearly wanted me to go into every detail of my life although I wasn’t sure she was ready to hear the things I could tell her.

   “It’s been a nightmare of her running riot and getting in trouble.” Evangeline said before she walked away.

   “I’d like to say it was all fun and games and partying, but I’d be lying… there were loads of parties though.

I wondered how much I could tell her before it'd be too much for her innocent mind to take. If I was going to tell her what it was like I wasn't going to hold back, good or bad I'd tell all.

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