Chapter 9

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One day a girl came and ran the door bell, I assumed she was another person trying to get donations or something.

"I don't have any money." I told her.

"Yeah right, I'll believe that (!)" she said as she looked up at my house.

"Are you going to let me in or not?" she asked forcefully.

"I don't know you, why would I let you into my house?" I asked.

"You are Alex aren't you? I'm Tamzin, I'm your sister." She told me.

She had a coat that covered her from head to toe and a huge rucksack giving her a general homeless look about her.

"I don't have a sister called Tamzin. Are you another one of dad's misdeeds?" I asked.

"Nope I'm from mum; I don't know your dad. Actually I don't know my dad either but he isn't your dad." she said.

I let her inside in hope of being enlightened to whether what she was saying was actually true or not.

"Look I have my birth certificate and everything." She said as she dug through her rucksack and produced some documents.

My mother's name was right there in black and white and the certificate didn't look at all faked, she also produced her social services file.

"Why do you have your Social services file and your birth certificate with you?" I asked.

"I ran away from the children's home I've been stuck in my whole life, actually I've been sent from one to the other all across the country. I'm fifteen; I don't need lookin' after anymore so I ran away." she explained.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"In that file it lists you as my sister and you're like super famous so you aren't that hard to find." She shrugged.

"I can't look after you; I can barely take care of myself. You do know that don't you?" I said.

"Like I just said I don't need lookin' after, I just wanted to meet you. If there's no room in your life for me I'll go back to living on the streets like I have for almost a year now." she said.

"Why did mum put you in care?" I asked.

"Because I'm the product of a one night stand or something, I'm half Latin-American, I don't know because I don't fit into her life or my dad's." she shrugged again.

"I'm sorry, I don't fit into mum's life either but at least she let me stay here. I can't believe she just dumped you in a care home." I said.

"Can you help me find my dad? I won't bother you ever again even if we don't find him or he still doesn't want me." she asked.

"Do you have any idea where he might be?" I asked.

"The file says he lives in England and North Carolina but other than that I don't have a clue." She admitted.

"I'm not that good at geography but I know England and North Carolina are huge places, can't social services find an address or maybe a town at least?" I asked unconfidently.

"They told me I had to wail 'til I'm eighteen, I don't even know if he knows I exist, I don't exist to mum or to social services or anyone." she said in a sad tone.

"I'll help you but only because you're on the streets and you need to know your father." I promised.

"There is something else..." she stated.

"What, what else?" I said in an irritated tone.

"I might be pregnant." she said nervously.

"And I thought I was the trouble child." I commented.

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