Chapter 2

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Faith decided she was prepared to hear everything no matter how crazy it was. It was the only way we were going to get to know each other or at least she would know me since I wasn't interested in finding out about her. She'd leave sooner rather later like usual.

“A few months before my thirteenth birthday I was smoking cannabis at every party, when I hosted a party here it was wild concoction of kids of twelve years old up to eighteen-year olds who were all drunk and probably a quarter of them were using some degree of drugs.” I explained.

   “How did your mum find out?” Faith asked.

   “There was a picture of me and like ten other people sat around the fountain in the courtyard outside smoking joints that made a headline in the newspapers.”

          My parents own several large companies which makes them important business people (and very, very rich) and make me become a bit of a celebrity (especially with the old paparazzi when I’m doing something silly) even though all that business stuff was nothing to do with me. Mum also lives in a different house and doesn’t really come to my place, so she usually finds things out by reading the morning paper or summoning me to her office in her main company building.

   “We were also kind of lacking our clothes.” I admitted.

   “What did she say to that?” she asked, embarrassed for me.

   “She was convinced that the photo was completely edited because it was mostly big black rectangles over the nakedness because I was fourteen and the oldest people in the photo were sixteen.” I shrugged. “She made me go off to another school though but it was a performing arts school and it was still local, so nothing really changed except I got to learn drama and stuff.”

   “It’s hardly a punishment if it was something you wanted to do, no wonder you’re on drugs if that’s how your mum punishes you.” Faith said kind of angrily.

   “I had to go to my old school three days (Wednesday to Friday) before starting the new school on the following Monday but I didn’t want to.

      On Wednesday I came into school with a two litre bottle of vodka (I didn’t even bother to disguise) I got drunk, went into the music rooms and wrecked some guitars and anything else I could get my hands on pretending to be a rock star which of course got me expelled from that school but I don’t really count it cos I was already leaving.

        I remember listening to their “you are expelled” speech thinking “It don’t really matter what you say right now cos I’m already technically gone.” I smirked all the way through their speech then stood up, threw up on their desk and walked out. That was the only time I’ve ever been sick from alcohol or drugs so I guess it were decent timing.” I told her. “I didn’t like that she was suddenly sending me to a new school even though I really wanted to go to a performing arts school.” I divulged

   “I had a three day booze up with most of the kids from my school that were in year nine (my year) up to year eleven to rebel against her decision.  Actually most people went home by Saturday morning. My best friends Emily, Levi, Jade (although I only ever pretended to like her) and my boyfriend Ryan were the only ones who were still there when I woke up.

          We carried on drinking till late into Sunday night; Levi was the only one who would smoke with me even though it was Ryan’s friends who first introduced me to the stuff.

          Ryan was no longer doing drugs and was even reluctant to get drunk because he was desperate to join the Liverpool FC under eighteens squad. He was in my bed when I woke up both days so I assumed that we had sex both times but I don’t remember. The best nights are the ones you don’t remember. Even they had left me by Sunday morning so kept drinking on my own like a complete loner.”

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