Chapter 3

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I continued to talk about my teenage years. Faith listened intently, I think she was too polite to tell me she'd heard more than enough. She didn't like anything I told her and if was just going to keep getting worse.

"September the eighth brought a new school year and a few days later (September the twelfth) was my fifteenth birthday.

Levi, Emily and Ryan bought me my Giant schnauzer Mercedes. They had already decided to call her Mercedes (as in lady of mercy but I took it as the car company) and although she was only like ten weeks old the name had already stuck with her.

She wasn't exactly a legal purchase since Ryan wasn't seventeen yet and she was bought from some bloke sat outside a pub. I thought she'd turn out to be a different breed or a mix but she didnt.

The idea was to give me something to be responsible for in hope that I'd think that owning a pet and using drugs would be a conflict and I'd kick the ol' drugs away... normal people would have chosen to get me a gerbil or a mouse or another small rodent.

Dad and Phoenix came round for an hour as they did every year, the situation was very false as I pretended to like the useless presents they got me and dad promised he was going to visit me every weekend like he is supposed to. He does for the first few months then starts making excuses like the motor-racing is on telly.

I can't remember what anyone else bought me but what beats dog in the present game... nothing." I explained.

"I didn't even make Evangeline look after Merc; well she fed her in the mornings and looked after her while I was at school.

I tried to bring her to school the day after I got her but as she was still a puppy she lacked the ability to control when she defecated and did a poo in my Maths class which resulted in us both being escorted off site." I grinned.

"Anyone would think you were asking for trouble." Faith grinned too.

"That's the only way to get noticed when you're me and it would be boring if I just did what I was told and just rolled over to conformity." I agreed.

"The school had our English and science GCSE results when we started term as well, I got a B in English so I had to go into English Literature that year and I got an A in Science so I had to do Additional Science.

Not bad results to say I smoked heroin before going into the exams. The Heroin just made me feel confident and happy.

I didn't go all hyper and stuff because I didn't smoke it with Coke - by chance that neither Scorpius nor Claire had any to sell before the exam - which I learnt not to do thanks to those acting roles I had in the summer." I said proudly.

"I can't believe how different you are from Phoenix, he didn't even drink alcohol until he was eighteen and he would never get into drugs." Faith remarked.

"Well Phoenix grew up with a biological parent and a step-parent; I got a nanny that my parents hired and a driver who was also employed by my parents while my mum focused on her work and dad was AWOL most of the time." I pointed out.

"Christmas and New Years Eve was the same as the last except that I decided that I wasn't going to hide away when I wanted to take drugs in my own home so everyone stayed together on New Years Eve." I said.

"What drugs were you on by that time?" Faith asked in a doctor-y tone.

"I smoked Weed every afternoon/ evening, I snorted Coke most mornings or speed depending on what I had, I took Ecstasy or LSD every dinner time at school and Heroin replaced Coke in the randomness of use." I reeled off.

"I'd also taken to drinking Vodka and cola instead of just cola." I added.

"How much did all that cost?" Faith asked in a very unsurprised tone.

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