He's never met me in person but werewolves have an alluring sent when it comes to finding their mate's. I didn't know if it was the same for vampires. Even if I am just human I could still have a powerfully alluring scent to attract him to me. I needed to learn more about vampires.

Glancing over the side of the booth I see him now sitting with them. Great. Why can't he just leave? I considered leaving myself but I decided against it. I wasn't leaving until I got my pizza.

The girl who took my order scares the shit out of me when she places my pizza on the table. I just manage to bite back my scream. "Jesus Cami, you scared the shit out of me!" I say holding my chest.

She giggles and gives me a half apologetic half amused look. "Sorry Cora. You didn't hear me calling your name so I wasn't sure if you changed your mind about staying and eating it here."

"You were calling my name?" I groan. Damn there was a 50/50 chance he didn't hear her call my name and didn't notice her bring my pizza over to me in this booth. I was almost too scared to glance over at them again.

"You hiding from someone, Cora?" She asks glancing around. "Trouble or something?"

"Or something." I mumble at her. I take a risk and glance over the side of the booth again. "Fuck." The curse flies out of my mouth as soon as our eyes connect. My eyes widen in panic as his narrow in on me. As he stands up and starts heading over to me, I quickly turn back around.

"Sorry for cursing in front of you! Gotta go now though. See you next time, yeah?" I rush out as I quickly stand up from the booth beeline it for the side door instead of the front one. I throw her a smile over my shoulder as I pull open the door and speed walk down the back alley.

I realized my mistake as soon as I crash into Marcellus's hard chest.

"Oof" I groan out from the hard impact. He grabs onto my arms to steady me on my feet so I wouldn't topple over. My pizza however was not so lucky. I glance down to see the box opened and upside down.

"Damnit! Now I need to get another pizza. You're buying this one sense it's your fault it's on the floor now in the first place." I tell him with a glare. I step back causing him to lower his hands from my arms.

I was trying really hard to not look him in the eyes. It was hard enough trying to ignore the sparks that ran through my body from his touch. My stomach was full of butterflies and my heartbeat was out of control.

Maybe if I stayed angry his effect wouldn't be so bad on me. That thought vanished as soon as he smiled. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he can get it out.

"I've lived here for a year. A whole year without ever running into you. Why now?" I ask with a glare still avoiding looking into his eyes.

"I've been living for a long time now, mi belleza. Humans still don't know about us so it's safer to have houses scattered around the world. People tend to notice when someone around them isn't aging." He says amused. Why did his voice have to be so alluring?

"If you have houses scattered around the world, why come back here? You could have gone to a different one." I say grumpily.

He gives me an cocky smirk. "It's quite clear I have an effect on you already though you're fighting it pretty hard. If I didn't you'd be indifferent to me." He rushes out when I opened my mouth to protest. I quickly shut my mouth again and look away.

"Is that why you're avoiding my glaze? Because you're scared what my glaze will do to you?" He whispers and takes a step closer to me.

"No." I say defensively while raising my chin. I took a step back with his step forward. I didn't want him to touch me again.

"Then look me in my eyes." He challenges. Sighing I gather up all my courage and meet his eyes.

I harden my jaw as soon as they make contact with his. He was even more attractive in person. It had to be a vampire thing. This unnaturally attractiveness he had going on. I couldn't really be that attracted to someone could I? No, I couldn't. It was just a vampire mind trick or something.

Strengthening my will against him, I square my shoulders and straighten my back. I glare into his eyes. I see his self confidence go down a notch and I smirk at him. I bet he was expecting me to fall at his feet. As if.

"I owe you a pizza so how about we go back inside and eat it together so we can talk?" He asks me.

"You owe me a pizza yes but that doesn't mean I have to share it with you." I tell him.

"So then you eat the pizza and we can still sit down and talk, si?" He asks hopefully.

"In there? Not happening." I refuse him.

"Why, mi belleza? It's just talking. Please." He pleads. I mean I guess talking couldn't really hurt. I'd know if he was lying to me, right?

"Fine but only because I really wanted that pizza." I say giving in. He smiles triumphantly and gestures for me to go before him.


*I'm sorry this chapter is so long! 🤦‍♀️ I got carried away while writing it 🙄😌 I don't think you'd believe me if I said I even deleted some of it hahaa

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