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  (Y/N) walked down the street towards the bakery that would be right by the school she was going to attend soon. Maiyun stayed in her bag and simply enjoyed the delicious smell of pastries. "So...what are you going to? Are you going to buy something?" Maiyun asked, the image of a croissant in his mind making him drool in delight.

"Like I said yesterday, I am going to try to get a job. Besides the extra money would be nice. Master Fu can't keep being the well of money for us. He has done plenty to get us the little apartment and money for the phone." (Y/N) rationalized. Her little companion sighed and nodded. (Y/N) took a deep breath and opened the door to the quaint bakery.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" A tall man with a white shirt and a flour-stained apron.

"I am here to see if I can maybe work here...do you guys hire outside help?" (Y/N) asked as she gently shut the door. The man smiled and thought about it. He placed some things down before meeting her (E/C) eyes again.

"Well, no one has ever applied to work here but...I will have to talk with my wife and daughter about it. What was your name?" He asked.

"(Y/N)." (Y/N) began with a smile, "(Y/N) (L/N)." She put her hand out to shake his own. He took it and shook it with a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you. Why don't you put your number here on this paper and I will give you a call when have the family meeting about it when we are not too busy."

(Y/N) smiled and wrote her name and number on the paper. "I hope you have a great rest of your day." (Y/N) was about to leave the little shop until she felt a small pinch in her pocket. She took a peek into her pocket to see Maiyun with his making puppy eyes. Almost seeming to beg her to turn back. "Oh before I go," she smiled and laughed a little bit. "I would love some of your famous croissants." The man smiled and nodded.

"Of course!" He began preparing the bag to place the croissants into it. "How many would you like?" (Y/N) looked into her pocket to see what Maiyun's answer may be. He whispered, "four, two for you and two for me."

"Four would be great, thank you." She smiled. The baker placed the three warm croissants into a bag. He lifted it over the counter. (Y/N) took the bag, thanked the baker again then left the little shop.

"Can I have mine now? Please." The little wolf begged. (Y/N) smiled and tore the pastry in half and placed it in her pocket. Maiyun took it gleefully and started to munch on it. (Y/N) laughed to herself and then bumped into someone. (Y/N) looked up quickly and backed up to give the unfortunate person some room.

"I'm sorry!" The two people said at the same time. (Y/N) laughed a little and looked up to see a familiar blond.

"Adrian?" (Y/N) shrieked. "What are you doin' here? I thought your father would be keeping you home today." Her eyes widened in shock as her new friend was on the streets.

"Yeah," he smiled and rubbed his neck in embarrassment. "I kinda ran off." He averted his eyes.

"You...ran off? Won't your parents become worried?" (Y/N) asked. Adrian averted his eyes from her (E/C) ones. He then sighed and looked back at her and smiled and laughed.

"Maybe my bodyguard but my father probably doesn't care..." he then muttered, "or more like won't notice." (Y/N) let it be and asked him where he was heading to. When he answered his whole demeanor changed "Oh, I'm headed to the fountains. Kim bet Alex to a race. Alex with rollerblades and Kim is on foot. If you're not busy you can come with me." (Y/N) thought about it. She didn't need to do anything for a while. Not until later this evening. (Y/N) nodded and followed Adrian to the destination. He introduced her to everyone that was there at the moment except one person.

Wolf's Gem - AdrianxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now