Prime Queen

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(Y/N) was getting ready for the big interview that would take place that night. Before she could put on her last shoe she heard someone land on her balcony. She rushed out and saw that it was Adrian as Cat Noir.

"Adrian...shouldn't you be getting on set?" (Y/N) asked with a hand on her hip. Adrian stood up and laughed.

"Yeah, but I wanted to go with you." (Y/N) smiled and shook her head.

"Okay, one sec." (Y/N) ran into her room to grab her shoe. After that, she transformed then she and Adrian left for the studio. She was thinking they'd go in through the entrance but that wasn't what Cat Noir had in mind. He took her hand, guided her through the catwalk, and landed with her on the couch. Nadia sat in shock, her eyes widening to the two coming in together.

"How did you two get in?" Nadja asked shocked.

"Celebrity entrance." Cat Noir smirked while chugging some water.

"Let's just say that Cat Noir is true to his name." (Y/N) smiled as she pointed up. Nadia followed her finger to see that she was referring to the catwalk. Nadia laughed and nodded. "No LB yet Mrs. Chamack?"

"No, I actually thought all three of you would come together."

"Nah, but she should be coming soon." (Y/N) said as she admired the set. It was simple but still interesting to be on a real TV set.

"I have a secret." Cat Noir admitted to Mrs. Chamack, "wanna hear it?" She nodded. "I love chouquettes." He said as he popped one in his mouth and smiled. (Y/N) noticed that Mrs. Chamack was seeming nervous before turning to the camera and saying 'no of course not.' (Y/N) followed her line of vision to the booth. It must have been her boss or someone in charge of the show. (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed to the woman as if to tell her to leave Mrs. Chamack alone. She even growled a little under her breath. Thankfully no one caught it.

"I'm sorry, she's not picking up." Cat Noir shrugged, showing his baton trying to call Ladybug.

They waited for a few minutes and had light conversations. Cat Noir kept his spot near (Y/N) but would keep getting choquettes and a swig of water. Eventually, it was almost time to go live. (Y/N) was worried for Mrs. Chamack. "Come on Ladybug, come on." (Y/N) mentally pleaded. Five more seconds till they were live. The runner took away the table but Cat Noir was sure to snag one last choquette. Right as the count down was at two seconds Ladybug kicked the door open and made a scene to get to the couch. (Y/N) scooted closer to Cat Noir to give Ladybug room. She sat down and apologized for being so late.

"I thought you were going to stand us up mil'lady." Cat Noir teased.

"And let the audience down. No way." Ladybug retorted. A moment later Mrs. Chamack introduced the show along with Nadia, Ladybug, and Cat Noir to the camera. The trio waved and smiled.

"Thank you so much for accepting this exclusive live interview." Mrs. Chamack said with a smile.

"Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here." Ladybug said. (Y/N) nodded in agreement and Cat Noir said hello to his fans.

"I'm sure thousands of them tuned in for this interview tonight," Nadja added.

"Don't encourage him." Ladybug laughed as she shook her head.

"Yeah, he won't stop purring if that happens." (Y/N) joked. Cat Noir laughed and looked to Mrs. Chamack.

"Don't listen to these fine ladies. Bugaboo is just a spot jealous and Nadia is just canine'nt believe that I have so many fans."

"'Canine'nt?"' (Y/N) whispered but still laughed.

"Hey, I thought we were done with that Bugaboo nickname, Pussycat." Ladybug laughed. The trio erupted into their own little world as if nothing was different.

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