Guitar Villian

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It was the final day of Maiyun being human. By the evening Maiyun will be back to being a kwami. There had only been one akuma attack in the week and it wasn't too difficult to handle. Maiyun had told (Y/N) that he explained to Adrian that if the akuma wasn't too powerful he could stay behind with (Y/N) and make sure she was okay as Cat Noir. Ever since Cat Noir's visit Adrian has been trying to stay closer to (Y/N) in civilian form too. She didn't mind it in the least, in fact, it allowed her to fall deeper in love with him. After Adrian helped (Y/N) realize that he had a crush on her a few nights prior she had begun to notice more of the little things Adrian would do for her. Her phone began to ring causing Maiyun to pick it up for her and hand it over.

"It's Marinette." He whispered. (Y/N) silently thanked him and took the phone.

"Heya Mari, how are you? Still feeling okay?"

"More than okay, I'm having another amazing opportunity with Jagged Stone!"

"Oh, does he need more glasses?" (Y/N) asked nonchalantly.

"No no-no. He wants me to help design his new album cover." Marinette started with a tone that could be seen as questionable.

"What's wrong? Are you not satisfied with something?"

"It's not that per se. More like something feels off. The album cover inspiration seems to be more like XY. Nothing like Jagged Stone's style at all. But I guess that's what is selling these days."

"Wait teenage Justin Beber wanna be? That's weird. Jagged is more in the rock category right? You should do what you think is best, you are the designer after all." Marinette was silent for a moment and sighed.

"Yeah you're right. Anyway, what are you doing today? Adrian should be having lunch with his father right?" (Y/N) laughed at Marinette's knowledge of Adrian's schedule by heart. Now that she thought about it, today was Adrian's (supposed to be) weekly lunch with his father. Which means she might not see him today. (Y/N) began to wonder how Adrian was feeling about it. Before she knew it her mind had been sucked into Adrian's world. It had been happening as of late, she would wonder how Adrian was doing anytime she wasn't with him and the mere thought of Adrian liking her made her face heat up. "(-N). (Y/N), you okay?"

"Y-yeah was just thinking." (Y/N) responded quickly. She heard two light giggles from the other line. Was Alya with her? "Ha ha yeah very funny. To answer your question, no, I am not doing anything. I plan on staying on the down-low. My uncle should be leaving today so there is that."

"Oh that's right, your uncle was here this past week. How was it?"

"Fine, he's watching the news right now. Speaking of XY, it seems like they are having an interview with him right now. I don't think that he's the coolest dude though, how much do you want to bet Chloe likes him?"
"How much can you put down?" Marinette sighed. "Ah, I think I finished. I am going to propose this to Jagged and see how he likes it."

"You're early, that's new."

"I have to impress Jagged Stone, talk to you soon to let you know how it turns out."

"Yeah, keep me in the loop. Good luck Mari."

"Thank you, tell your uncle hi for me. Bye (Y/N)." Marinette then hung up, (Y/N) assumed, to run off to meet Jagged to give him the design she came up with.

"Hey (Y/N). Come see." Maiyun called from the living room. (Y/N) put her phone in her pocket and walked over to the couch then sat next to him. He pointed to the screen and started talking about the kid projected on it. "He seems kinda arrogant if you ask me, didn't your friend say that the Jagged Stone dude's producer was going to be doing a collab with him?"

Wolf's Gem - AdrianxReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora