The Collector

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(Y/N) burst into Adrian's room, practically kicking down the door and rushing inside to find her blond boyfriend. She found his kwami hovering over his head with a sorrowful look on his face. "I came as soon as I heard." (Y/N) said almost panicked. "What happened? You didn't really say over the phone. Just that your dad wasn't happy with you." Adrian quickly rushed into her arms and buried his head in the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. He felt awful, telling her the news, but he had to. Adrian took a deep breath then answered.

"That book that my father had...I lost it. He found out I took it he thinks that school has a bad influence on me. I'm going to be homeschooled again." Adrian was holding back tears. (Y/N) could feel his breath hitching as he spoke. She placed a gentle hand on his head, her heartfelt as though it stopped but she kept trying to look for a positive. Or look for a way to ensure everything would be okay.

"But that doesn't mean you won't be able to see the others though. We can still hang out and-"

"You don't understand, he won't allow me to see any of you. He's even considering having you taken off of the photoshoots." Adrian's tears silently fell from his eyes. (Y/N) was silent, Gabriel had to have noticed how Adrian was better off with other people. If it were (Y/N) she might be okay homeschooled, but Adrian needed people around him, he needed his friends. Now more than ever before. On top of that, what was he going to do about being Cat Noir? Natalie won't take her eyes off of him so he will never have the chance to transform. "(Y/N)...can we just...stay like this a little longer?" Adrian asked sheepishly. (Y/N) looked back to Adrian's hair and smiled.

"Yeah. Whatever you want."

For the next ten minutes, they were either hanging out on Adrian's bed, playing foosball, or reading some manga Adrian had. Plagg and Maiyun watched the couple sit and sulk for long enough, they had to do something.

"Hey, you two want some cheese? I call it El Plaggo, it's been maturing for 999 days." Maiyun shook his head, trying to hold in laughter. (Y/N) plugged her nose and laughed. Adrian turned his head and scrunched his nose.

"Arrgg. Really Plagg?" Adrian questioned, he was interrupted by (Y/N)'s laughter. He looked at her and smiled softly. He was devastated about school, but he was more hurt about (Y/N). He felt as though he just got the chance to be with the girl of his dreams. And now she would be taken away from him. Adrian laied down and placed his head on (Y/N)'s lap. They sat in silence for a moment then suddenly there was a bunch of commotion. Things were being slammed and thrown around.

Maiyun placed his ear against the floor and listened for a second. "It's coming from downstairs. It sounds like your dad's office." (Y/N) and Adrian jumped up and rushed downstairs.

"What's going on?" Adrian asked concerned. (Y/N) followed close behind and stood by his side resisting the urge to hold his hand to comfort him. Nathalie stopped the teenagers from entering.

"Your father is very busy. Aren't you supposed to be doing your piano lessons?" Nathalie added and looked to (Y/N), "you should leave so he can focus."

"Nathalie but-" Adrian began, wishing (Y/N) wouldn't be forced out.

"Oh, I am helping. I'm giving pointers where I can. I play a little." (Y/N) said with a straight face. Adrian looked at her astonished, did she really know how to play? Nathalie didn't believe it, she told Adrian's security guard to watch the office door while Nathalie listened to one of (Y/N)'s pieces. Once they got to Adrian's room (Y/N) sat a the chair and began to play. She began to play Fur Elise. Once (Y/N) finished she looked to Nathalie. She adjusted her glasses and nodded. She then allowed (Y/N) to stay so long as the two teens were productive. They nodded and smiled. Once Natalie left Adrian asked (Y/N) if she actually knew piano.

Wolf's Gem - AdrianxReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum