How to Decide

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Adrian POV:

I sat on my bed and fiddled with the note that (Y/N) provided. 'Meet me at Champ de Mars at 8:00 pm ~(Your initials)'. My heart fluttered at the thought of seeing her under the darkening sky and confessing to her. I was ecstatic that she actually liked me. I can finally share my love for her openly. Except my fans won't leave her alone and girls from school will probably be worse. I sighed and laid back on my pillow. I could explain to her the situation but should I? It is her decision but I don't want her to get into something so grueling. Fans are one thing, but a paparazzi of haters is way worse in my opinion.

"You thinking about (Y/N)?" Plagg asked as he floated over me with cheese in his mouth. I took one of my spare pillows and plopped it on my face.

"Yeah, it's a lot to think about," I muttered into the pillow. I felt Plagg's small paw on my hand.

"Look kid, I may not have much experience in this realm but just know that if you do what you think is right then things will work out." I slowly took my pillow off of my face. Plagg giving decent advice, that was new. "That's what Tikki always says. And things usually work out for her so maybe you should try it." I looked into Plagg's green eyes. They were sincere and honest. It didn't look like he was trying to trick me or anything.

"Plagg...are you in love with Tikki?" Plagg smirked and flew around in circles.

"You bet, she's my Sugarcube. Unlike you, I've told her and I don't act like a weirdo around her. Just ask Maiyun, he'd tell you." I laughed. I would have to talk to Maiyun, he might have good advice. "Speaking of a Ladybug, what made you suddenly lose that crush on her?" My eyes widened. He made a point. It must seem like I suddenly lost my love for her. I didn't though.

"I thought I was in love but I realize now that it was just a crush. If anything I think it was admiration rather than love. I admire her and still do. She is strong, independent, beautiful, and so many other things. But most of all she's an amazing partner. I'm lucky to have her by my side, I wouldn't trade it for anything. But after getting to know (Y/N), I have had a different feeling about (Y/N). She fills my soul, not my heart per se." I sat up quickly. My soul, is that what (Y/N) meant?

"You okay kid?"

"(Y/N) was saying to listen to my soul rather than my head and heart. I didn't get what she meant then but I think I understand now. My soul, when I'm around (Y/N)'s like it fills up with something. It isn't happiness but more like that feeling when you put that finishing puzzle piece down. It's satisfying, like something's complete." I smiled softly at the realization.

"I get it, I understand. It looks like you made your decision. Are you going to go tonight?" Plagg inquired. I cringed at his question. I wish I could, if I could sneak away I would.

"I-I can't. My father has me going to some showing of a sort. I asked him if I really needed to be there but he said yes. I wish I didn't have to though."

"(Y/N) will likely understand, kid. Don't worry about it." I looked back at Plagg and smiled. He was right, everything will turn out fine, if it's meant to be it'll be. I set the note on my desk and got ready for the night out with my father. Natalie came in and informed me that it was time to leave.

3rd Person POV:

Natalie walked into Adrian's room to let him know it was time to leave. He respectfully asked her to wait for one moment as he grabbed his jacket, allowing her time to have her eyes travel to a single piece of paper on Adrian's desk. 'Meet me at Champ de Mars at 8:00 pm ~(Your initials)'. The more Natalie looked at it the more she realized that it was (Y/N)'s initials and handwriting. Why would she request Adrian to meet her at such an hour? She is normally a responsible and kind young lady. Natalie kept staring at the paper until she made the ultimate decision to secretly take it.

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