Head Em Up And Move Em Out, Or, Just Down The Road

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The three Spartans and the doctor arrived back at the house, and saw a yellow motorcycle parked just outside, and both Linda and John tensed up, reaching for weapons, wondering who was at the house.

Fred placed a hand on each of their shoulders, saying "relax, it's princess hothead's,"

From the slight head tilt from each of them, Fred knew they were staring at him quizzically, so he continued, "you know, Yellow Bombshell? Exact opposite of ice queen? Shotgun bracelets? Ruby's sister?"

At the last two, both Spartans visibly relaxed and Fred shook his head, "you guys are hopeless."

Linda sighed, "Her name is Yang. Fred, you're the hopeless one."

John chimed in immediately after, "do you actually remember any of their names?"

Fred walked up to the door, saying, "of course I do, there's ice queen, little red riding hood, angsty catgirl, princess hothead, the loud redhead, the dead redhead, John number 2, and stereotypical quiet kid."

Linda walked into the house, saying exasperatedly, "oh my god, why do I even try?"

Honeydew, who had been following behind quietly, raised a singular eyebrow at Fred before heading inside, mumbling to herself, "I can't tell if those two sound like siblings or an old married couple,"

Fred heard a sharp exhale, then John muted himself, which meant he was laughing uproariously. When John finally composed himself, the two Spartans walked in the house, with John saying, "I suddenly see why you brought her along,"


John quickly explained the current situation to Fred, and sent him some helmet cam footage to review later as they entered the kitchen where Nora and Yang were arm wrestling, then the contest ended when yang simply popped her arm off and started cackling at Nora's horrified expression.

Fred suddenly was almost knocked over from a bear hug for the second time that day as Ruby hit him in the side at full speed and latched on, yelling, "Fred! You're back!"

Fred looked down at his new passenger, "oh hey kiddo, what—"

Ruby inturrupted him with a finger wag, "nope, you don't get to call me kiddo, cuz I'm older than you!"

Fred tilted his head in confusion, "but, you're like 11?"

Ruby's face went red, "no I'm 15, and you're only 14," she blew a raspberry.

Oscar furrowed his brow, then cleared his throat, "Ozpin wants me to ask how old you guys were when you started training," gesturing to the Spartans, before returning to his resting bewildered face.

Fred looked up at Oz, "about age 6. Why do you ask?"

The room went silent.

After an uncomfortable afternoon of everyone coming up to the Spartans and mumbling something along the lines of, "I'm sorry you had to go through that." John was in the improvised workshop, while Linda was telling the story to Fred.

The uncomfortableness permeated the entire house and everyone seemed to be pretty much avoiding the Spartans, except Ruby of course, she came right up to John and sat next to him as he was running armor checks, saying, "ya know, Fred's revelation suddenly makes a lot of things make sense, you guys not knowing what a weekend is, or most of civilian life anyway, being uncomfortable around everyone but yourselves, all that fun stuff."

John didn't stop working, he knew Ruby would know he was paying attention, she had picked up on quite a few of the spartan quirks and signs, and he responded, "yeah pretty much."

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