Setting Down The Guns, And Getting Out "The Guns"

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Hours later, their transport coasted into Atlas airspace and down towards Mantle's yellow lit streets. Red brought them down at a small cargo depot and the crew helped him unload a few things before he waved goodbye and headed to the upper city and one of the military bases it contained.

Blue team, RWBY, JNR, and co. started walking the streets, Jade leading the way. No one seemed to ask where they were going for a few minutes before Ruby was fed up with the tired silence and words started gushing out of her mouth.

"Where are we going? Probably to Ironwood but where would that be?"

Jade kept walking, "I'm heading to my apartment, where I can contact him. It's a bit of a hike from here but we should be able to get transport to the academy." She paused for a second, "What are you guys trying to solve by coming to Atlas? You've never specified and there's a lot of problems here. You'll never solve all of them, so you're going to have to focus and prioritize if you haven't already."

Ruby was the first to answer, "We're here to save as many people as we possibly can. I don't know if you know what happened to Vale, but we're going to do our best to stop that from happening here, and talking with Ironwood to plan and work together is the first step in that."

Most of the group nodded and kept walking, though Kelly spoke privately to her team, "She does have a point you know, why are we here? I get that ultimately the goal is to get home, but we still should have some sort of plan for our current operations."

John kept scanning the streets as they approached a drunk and a crosswalk, "I agree, and that genie got me thinking, along with what Phariah has been saying. If this world is part of some alien computer, then we clearly came in through an access point, and could theoretically leave through something similar. We're just lacking a connection."

Fred seemed to start picking up some of the pieces and assembling them in his mind, saying with a new understanding, "And those "gods" might be our ticket, because they either will come or would have come from the real world. So we just get all 4 relics together, and when that access point opens we slip out, either through whatever opens up or with the help of Phariah."

Kelly stopped him, "We'd be gambling with the existence of all these people," tipping her head towards their crew and the world as a whole, "I'm not letting a world die just to have a chance at going home."

John shook his head, "That's why we take stuff with us, specifically Salem, a relic if possible, and if they actually do show up, then those "gods" as well. With Salem gone the world has less Grimm to worry about, the gods can't come back to judge them, and if we manage to remove a relic or otherwise sever the connection then maybe they can't get back in either."

At this point Phariah made herself known on the channel, "If we could reveal the bridge, I could probably sever it, then the Watchers wouldn't be able to see in and everyone would be free!"

Linda locked her gaze on the robot housing the AI, "How long have you been listening in?"

Phariah didn't turn to look back at the spartan, "Oh just a few seconds, your guy's channels are SUPER encrypted, cracking them was good practice! But I'd be happy to help, this world and these people deserve a break!"

Their conversation trailed off as they arrived at a building Fred recognized and Jade said, "It's not that big of an apartment, so could you all just wait for me here?-- Wait, actually there's a taco joint across the street, I'll meet you there in a little bit." She pointed to a large glowing sign about 100 feet away as a few sets of eyes lit up with hunger and delight.

Halfway through the meal, screaming could be heard on the street and everyone rushed outside (not without considerable grumbling from many members and a few tacos being wielded in an offhand). A pack of sabertooth Grimm were chasing a group of civilians down the street when a firing line of weapons went off, sending many of the first wave back to the tar pits and the fighting broke out into more of a show when many realized this was a weaker group of Grimm.

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