Grades, Guns, and Foreshadowing

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"Yessss!!!" Ruby pumped her fist in the air, "85, and you were so worried Weiss"

"True, but I wanted an A, that is the grade an heiress is expected to get, either way, we should look at the evaluation." Both girls leaned into the board to read what the board said under their score;

Team RWBY clearly has incredible potential and highly developed combat skill, and their teamwork is surprisingly good for a team that has been together for such a short time. Though they are impressive they need to improve their stealth skills along with versatility.

Team RWBY is very skilled with their weapons, but most of their planning seems to take place in the heat of a firefight, which improvisation is an impressive skill, but can't be the only thing a huntress relies on.

"They said we were awesome!!!" Ruby yelled

"Not exactly," Weiss said, looking over Ozpin standing in the back of the hall, "but they said mostly positive things, and hopefully our team stays top first-year team, even though Pyrrha is still first individually."

Yang walked up having already seen the scores, "Oh stop worrying you, we did well and we had fun, let's go check out how everyone else did."

Team JNPR and Blake were gathered around another board discussing the score as Ruby, Weiss, and Yang walked up. Yang inquired, "how did you guys do?"

Pyrrha looked up, "Blake told me how you guys did, but we did really well and got a 91, there were a few Ursa minors with the alpha and we had to take those out, but otherwise, it went well. Our evaluation just said that Jaune was a good leader, but needed to work on his fighting skills and that everyone else was skilled but we need to find a way to better rely on each other."

Ruby's face broke into a smile, "good job guys, but our new friends just got here, let's go say hi and see what they got."

Weiss stared open-mouthed at the board, "A"

Ruby's face broke into a smile, "I knew you guys were good! But wow, how'd you do it?"

John shrugged, "We used an avalanche to crush the scorpion, and we locked the beowolves it was with in the caves they were sleeping in by blocking off the exits, it really wasn't hard, and I think there was an Ursa, but the girls took care of that." As he gestured to Kelly and Linda who were talking with Blake. "I think they threw dust powder on it and it started sneezing or something, Fred and I didn't really see that part." John looked closer to the board and read:

Blue team is extremely skilled in the use of ranged weapons and thinking outside the box to complete the mission, though they have not had a chance to show their proficiency in melee weaponry. All this has shown they are an incredibly proficient and adaptable team, however, they will have to work hard to compete with the other highly skilled first-year teams.

Ruby looked up at John, "you see that right? You don't seem excited enough to have read it all."

John glanced back at the other members of his team, "yeah, I know, just I didn't really expect anything less from my team, even though this is all a lot to take in."

Weiss looked back at the two of them at the mention of expectations, "finally, someone who understands expectations, I just hope my team will get that soon."

Ruby frowned.

John looked at the heiress questioningly, "are you, trying to... impress me?"

"Well, uh— no, no—" Weiss sputtered.

"You shouldn't put your team down in hopes they will understand exactly how to improve, you need to work with them even if you aren't the leader, and help raise your team and yourself above everything else. Only then will you be able to triumph, or at least that is what one of our mentors told us. You should try to learn from it too." John said before turning and walking away.

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