Recompense and Setup

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"This is the final week before the Vytal festival, and arguably the most important in a huntsman's training career, as it is his first true training mission," Ozpin said as he addressed the assembled first years in the auditorium.

"You all will be embarking on a mission of your choice with your team from one of these options around you," he gestured to the holo boards scattered around the room.

"Each team will be accompanied by a fully trained huntsman or huntress on their mission. This will be graded, but as long as you listen to your huntsman guide and do your best I am sure you will pass with flying colors." After finishing this and handing the mic over to Glynda, Ozpin began to move over to address the second years as he waited for Glynda to explain some of the nuances and rules.

Team RWBY mulled over some of the options open to them on one of the holo boards, with Ruby reading out loud:

"Search and Destroy, hmm that sounds fun, but it's just one dude, so maybe not."

Yang grabbed Ruby's shoulders and spun her around, "That's the bounty board dummy, these are the mission options."

Ruby scratched the back of her head anxiously, "Yeah, uh, I knew that. Totally."

Weiss huffed, "Yeah right. Anyway, I think we should do one of those recon missions on the outskirts of Vale, or even in the dead zone, it looks interesting and we could gather plenty of intel on Grimm movements or possible White Fang bases, after all, that seems to be the pattern of what your little excursions are, Blake." Ruby punched Weiss on the arm.

"I told you to stop being mean to her and razing her about that, not everyone's past is perfect."

Yang had already grabbed the mission card and was walking out the auditorium to turn it in so the other 3 girls had to catch up.

Walking out of the auditorium, the four almost ran into Blue team as they crossed the doorway with team RWBY walking through it. The situation quickly turned sour, everyone avoiding everyone else's gaze, still uncomfortable after what transpired the day before, except Ruby, who spoke up as if nothing was wrong.

"Hi, did you guys get a mission as well? Ooh, is it in the dead zone?"

John centered his gaze on Ruby. "No, and, no. Ozpin wants us in his office, he wants to talk about a mission, but there are special circumstances for us, since we are new arrivals."

"Oh," Ruby said, "And I almost forgot."

She walked over to Linda.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your parents, I know how you feel, I lost my mom not too long ago, and I know this doesn't begin to cover it but, I hope this makes you feel better."

Ruby held out a small box, it was a dark brown with some colored dots scattered over it, which read "M&M'S". (Trademarked by Mars and Murries, I don't want to get sued). Linda held up the box and inspected it as candies rattled around inside.

"Um, Thanks?"

Ruby smiled.

"You're welcome."

She walked off with the rest of her team.

As Team RWBY walked off, Yang pulled her sister aside.

"Did you just give her candy because her parents died when she was six in a terrorist attack? Seriously, Ruby, sometimes think first before you do something, I think it is best if we just give them some space for the time being."


"What are these things?" Linda asks, showing the box to Kelly.

Fred pressed the button for Ozpin's office in the elevator as they hopped on. the elevator car started moving as the Spartan sisters thoroughly inspected the box and eventually popped it open and peered inside.

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