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This book is dedicated to my readers.

To those who have taken time out of their lives to read my stories, and given me a kind word or two (Or even just silently read on through without my knowledge).

Without your thoughts, votes, and conversations with me, I honestly don't think this book would ever have been finished. Seeing your comments on the novels as I post them really is a force behind all the work I try to do for these novels.

You all give me smiles on bad days, encouragement on the good ones, and perseverance on the days when I really don't wanna. Every time I see that someone new, or someone who has been reading since book one, has interacted with any of my stories it makes my whole day better. It gives me a feeling of capability that I often lack in other facets of my life.

That is irreplaceable, and you are irreplaceable.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you, and I hope you enjoy the story to come!

Hierarchy (Book Four of the Torrent Skies Saga)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ