Chapter Thirty-One: Time Never Stills

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Dawn was just breaking, letting a filtered beam of light into the bedroom, when Katerin heard a voice in her head. The warmth of her blankets, and Fykes beside her left her wishing not to be disturbed, but the voice continued, relentless.

Katerin, you have to come. You have to be here. Katerin? Katerin? Donovar's scratchy tone shook sleep from her thoughts like a baker sprinkled sugar over fresh pastries.

The alarm within it had her sitting upright without a thought for the chill that buffeted her. Donovar? Whats happening? Come where?

The soldier's are here, Katerin. Rastridge. Please hurry. Please. I don't... I don't know what to do.

Katerin was upright, reaching for her robe, as she replied. We'll be there, Donovar. Just calm down. Meet me in the square. She wasted no time, shaking Fykes to wake him.

He must have noticed the look in her eyes, because he threw the blankets aside and asked, "The soldiers?"

Katerin could only nod. With not a second to spare, she and Fykes dressed, woke Arjiah and Brazen, Kindra, and ran for the Abstract Imblemgnomium. Typhon was pacing anxiously. The teleportation spell was already half complete, as if he had been waiting for them. No one said a word, as the magic flashed around them.

On the other side of the teleportation circle, Erin greeted Katerin instantly, his greenish skin very pale. "Graiden sent me to you with word. They're on the northern field."

Katerin gulped, not quite prepared to hear such information. Her finger's brushed the book of Ralore in her pocket.

"I need a place to don my armor," Fykes said, looking to Erin with urgency.

"Rooms are this way." Without a moment to breathe, Katerin, Fykes, Brazen, Kindra and Arjiah followed Erin into a small building and parted ways.

Upon meeting again, as quickly as they could, they all wore their armor, and had their weapons ready to brandish.

"So much for breakfast," Brazen said, lamenting, as he slipped out of a spare room and shut the door.

It was supposed to be a meeting, Katerin thought. Planning. Her heart stuttered. We haven't found the Reclaimer, yet.

It will awaken, Lodyne said. That, you cannot stop.

Together they rushed through the city, and Katerin wondered why it was harder to catch her breath in the cold. The gates were heavily manned, and even heavier guarded, and upon reaching them, the guards held up a hand. "You can't go out."

Katerin stumbled, when they stopped her. "I am—"

"We know who you are, Rhys Vicar, but we can't open this gate," one said, holding out a hand.

"I promised Graiden I would be here, I..." I promised everyone, she thought, shaking.

"Its too dangerous."

Arjiah stuttered, and Kindra stepped forward as if she had another idea.

"Leave it," a powerful voice shouted, from behind them. "They've got orders."

Katerin spun to see Roahn running up the street, her armor only half on, and her silver scales shimmering in the early morning light. Her hammer was in her hand, already. Katerin was too out of breath, too surprised, to smile.

Fykes held his arms up, between them and the guards. "Then we'll go over," Fykes said, grabbing Katerin's hand and tugging her away, and gesturing to the wall. "Can you?"

Hierarchy (Book Four of the Torrent Skies Saga)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant