Date Night~Apprentice

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A/n: I'm making this into a scenario because I couldn't just pick one character to do this for.

Asra: Asra's dates would always use a lot of magic. First he would bring you and him to his magical realm. He would then ask you what you want to wear for the date, he would conjure it up for you too. After the outfits he would set up a picnic blanket and a picnic basket with fairy lights everywhere around the area. You would think 'this is the prettiest thing I've ever seen.' You both would chat the night away just you and him under the swirling colors of the realm. (How cute)

Julian: Julian would totally do a surprise date like one evening after you close down the shop he would just burst through the door and say "WERE GOING ON A DATE!" It would go something like that. He would then drag you to the date location, the port. At first you think 'this has to be the worst location ever for a date' but as the night goes on you completely change you mind. Julian would set up a blanket, food, and music so you both can dance. You would spend the night laughing and dancing under the endless amount of stars.

Nadia: I feel like Nadia's date nights would be rare, not because she doesn't want to go on them but because she's so busy. So when you do get to go on a date she goes all out. She would invite you to the castle one day and upon entering you would see candles, food, and you would hear romantic music playing in the background. Your jaw would drop and you would think 'when did she do all of this, I was here yesterday!' You both chat for awhile before getting up to dance the night away.

Muriel: I think Muriel would be too shy to formally ask you on a date so he would just bring you somewhere romantic and never ask or call it a date. One day he would drag you somewhere in the forest. You end up reaching a beautiful pond with tons of fish, butterflies, and other amazing creatures all around it. He would set down a blanket and pull you down to sit next to him. You would both have a great time laughing and watching the wildlife. The whole time you're thinking to yourself 'this is totally a date.'

Portia: I think Portia would have the most normal dates out of everyone. Not because she doesn't want to put effort into it but because she's more of a cheesy romance kind of gal. She would take you to a nice place to eat (I'm sure those exist somewhere in that universe...anyways) and she would let you order whatever the heck you want. You would spend the night chatting and laughing until eventually you get kicked out for being too loud. You would leave the restaurant laughing even louder than before. She would eventually apologize and then take you somewhere more calm (probably the ports like Julian) so you both can finish your date. You would just be thinking the whole night with a smile on your face 'what a goof.'

Lucio: Now you would think Lucio would have the most extravagant dates but I personally think he would do something more romantic so you both can enjoy it alone (get your mind out of the gutter). He would show up to your shop one day and say "can we go on a date?" Even if you said no he would just take your hand and drag you away. He would bring you to the castle and into his room. (GUTTTTERRRRR) You would enter and see lanterns, a table with food, and soft music playing in the background. You would honestly probably start to tear up (I know I would). You would spend the night eating, laughing, and dancing together.

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