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        You were cleaning up the shop for closing time when you suddenly hear a knock at the door. Asra was out on one of his trips so it couldn't have been him leaving you with only a few other options. You open the door a crack to see if you can catch a glimpse of someone. Peering out of the door you see a tall woman with purple hair and you know right away who it is. "Countess Nadia?" You say confusion laced in your tone. "Hello there *enter name here* I was taking a walk around town when I saw your shop and decided to stop by." Nadia says. "Oh well then come on in, it must be cold out there." You say with a chill shooting down your spine just thinking about it. Nadia enters the shop and takes everything in "it is truly amazing what you can do." "Thank you! Well while your here would you like some tea?" You say while taking out a tea kettle. "Tea sounds lovely right about now." You start to make the tea while Nadia looks around at all the magical items. Nadia notices the Tarot deck Asra gave you as a gift. "*enter name here* the Arcana are real correct?" "Yes they are but they live in the magical realm." "I see, have you ever spoken to them before besides when you use your Tarot deck?" She asks with curiosity leaking from her tone. "Not yet and I hope I never have to because that would mean something truly horrible has happened" you say while pouring the tea into the cups and handing one to Nadia. "I suppose that's true, it would be quite the adventure though." You give a slight hum in response while sipping your tea.
        A hour passed by and you both finish you tea. "Well I must go back to the castle I've been gone awhile now" Nadia states. "Your welcome back anytime and have a safe trip back" you say while taking her tea cup and leading her out the door.  "Yes, I will take you up on that offer sometime. Have a good evening." You close the door and put the tea cups down in the sink, thinking to yourself. "I just had tea with the Countess..... I have to tell Asra!"

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