"Are you sure you have no plans for today??" He asks me questioningly.

"No..??" I slowly said as I looked confused.

He looks at my face to see if I was bluffing and nodded his head in understanding, he lets out a sigh a smile on his face.

"What ever am I suppose to do with you?" He says in a teasing tone with his usual smirk, his hand petting me on the head. 

We heard a 'ding' and I watched Karma pull his phone out, with a mischievous smirk he replies to the message.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"It's your sister." He replies as he puts his phone back inside his pocket.

"Ema?? What'd she say?" I questioned as he and I started walking hand in hand.

"She asked me if I wanted to come over for dinner." He replies.

I watched him and see he had this smirk on, a smirk I know all too well. He usually has this smirk on when he's planning something.

Which made me confuse, concerned, and curious.

"Okayyyy, seriously. What's up? Ema asked me the same thing this morning and I'm confused." I said with a really confused expression on my face.

"It's nothing that your little head needs to worry about~" He says giving me a kiss.

'He's planning something..' I thought as I narrowed my eyes on the red head.

-time skip-

'Okay, something is definitely up.' I thought as I stared at all my classmates talking to each other so casually.

When I entered the classroom with Karma this morning, Kayano, Rio, and Nagisa went up to me with smiles.

They were about to say something when Karma cut them off with a wink, and for some odd reason they understood what message he was sending.

They covered up what they were gonna say with 'Good Morning's and went back to their seats, I was very confused at that time.

My eyes scanned everyone and tried to find anything weird, but I found nothing. I sighed out and just laid on top of my desk, not wanting to bother anymore as to what they were hiding.

'Gosh, I'm so confused..' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

-time skip-

"There is definitely something going on." I mumbled out as I walked on the sidewalk.

School was over and I was walking around by myself. No Karma and Nagisa, which was very rare because I'm always with either one.

Karma and Nagisa suddenly said that they had some plans to do, they didn't exactly say what it was but I knew they were hiding something.

'What could it be?' I thought as I let out a sigh.

While walking, I pulled my phone out and just played some games. Not really sure what I wanted to do.

As I walked, I suddenly heard a commotion in front of me. Looking up, I see a guy running fast as he bumped to several people.

"My purse!! He stole my purse!!" I heard a middle aged woman yell out as she pointed at the male.

Looking at the crook's hand, there lied a purse. 

"OUT OF THE WAY!!" I heard the purse snatcher yell out as he shoved several people put of his way.

I see the male running towards me with a hurried expression on his face, we both made eye contact and I see that he was ready to shove me.

He raised his arm up to push me, but I grabbed it and twisted it behind his back. I proceed to bend one of his knees forward, which caused him to kneel.

Hold up......What? (Karma Akabane x Reader x Brothers Conflict)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora