"Lucifer," she whispered, sending her thoughts to him. "Please heed my call. I need you here. Right now."

                For a moment, nothing happened, but then suddenly, all candle lights flickered, and a crimson smoke started to form in the middle of the circle. After that, everything happened at once.

                Lucifer materialised in his glorious demon form, black wings outstretched, horns adorned his head as if they were a crown. And then their eyes met. It took him a fraction of a second to feel her fear and desperation, to notice her tear-streak face, and cuffed hands. The sound that escaped his throat had such fury in it that all hair on her body stood upright. Before she even managed to open her mouth to say another word, his hand striked out and one of the surrounding him demon hunters shouted while purple flames consumed him within seconds—the room filled with a stench of burning hair and flesh.

"Lucifer, no!" Lhori shouted, her voice suddenly full of commanding magic. He looked at her confused, frozen mid-move. She fell to her knees, tears falling freely now. "You can't fight, Lucifer. You can't resist," she finished, her voice ending with a desperate wail.

"Lhori, no..." he whispered, his expression hurt and full of disbelieve. But he put down his hand, his crimson eyes scanning the room as a wild animal pushed into the corner. When he saw Rosie trembling and covering her eyes on the other side of the room, the realisation dawned on him.

"Now, bound him!" ordered Michael stepping out of the shadows.

                The remaining demon hunters fired their weapon and silver chains flew at Lucifer, entwining him tightly, pressing his wings and arms close to his body. The moment they touched his flesh, they lighted bright blue. Suddenly Lhori's whole world turned white. The searing pain, unlike anything she felt so far erupted in her chest. She fell on the floor and heard terrible screams. One of them she knew belonged to Lucifer.  It took her a moment to realise, the other person screaming was her. The pain was unbearable.  She was nothing. She didn't want to exist anymore; she didn't want to feel anymore. She only wished the whole world to end right here, right now.

                But as suddenly as the pain started, it was gone. She breathed heavily and pushed herself a little bit up on her hands, and raised her heavy head, although she could still feel the pinpricks of thousand needles in every fibre of her body. She managed to lift her head just enough to see Lucifer, lying on the floor in front of her, bound by glistening blue chains. He looked at her, his face a mirror of her pained expression.

"Lhori, are you, all right?" asked a voice, and someone lifted her off the floor. "Lhori, talk to me! Are you all right?!" She looked at Noah, but her sight was blurry, she did not have enough strength to utter a word. She just hanged limply in his arms. "What the hell was that?" demanded Noah furiously looking at Michael. "You said she wouldn't be harmed!"

"Well, that's curious indeed," said the archangel calmly rubbing his jaw in thought. "I've never seen anything like that before."

"The hell are you talking about?!"

"It seems that the bond they formed surpasses any other I encounter in my long, long existence. They not only can sense each other's emotions, but also share the physical pain that they suffer."

"Leave her... alone..." stuttered Lucifer weakly from the floor.

"Oh, what was that?" asked the archangel cheerfully and crouched next to the bound demon. "I'm afraid I haven't heard you, old pal."

"You have me now," growled the demon, the strength coming back to his voice quickly. "Do whatever you wish with me. Just let her go. She served her purpose already."

"Oh, wouldn't you like that," chuckled Michael. "But I'm afraid she is not exactly in any condition to walk away now. I think I'll keep her here for a while. Just to make sure you won't give us any troubles."  Lucifer growled menacingly and strained his muscles, but the chains did not budge. "What was that? Wanted to say something?"

"Just do what you want and stop gloating, already."

"Oh, I haven't even started gloating, believe me," the archangel said with a grin and stood up. "Take him to the dungeons. I'll see to him soon."

"What about Lhori?" asked Noah. "She's hurt."

"Take her back to her room. She will be fine after she rest," Michael said shrugging.

"You said she would be free after that," Noah growled.

"And she will be, soon enough. I just need her here for a little bit longer. She is in no condition to leave anyway. So, why don't you go and do as ordered, little demon hunter, eh?" he added, looking at Noah with evident contempt. 

                Noah gritted his teeth, but walked towards the door without another word, pressing Lhori's limp body tightly to his chest.

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now